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[eclipselink-users] Persisting a Map

Hi All,
I have the following Mappings:
class MyPref {
long id;


(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)

PDMap attributes = new PDMap();
class PDMap {
long id;


(mappedBy="dMap", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)


Map<String, PD>

mapOfMaps = new HashMap<String, PD>();
table PD
class PD {
long id;


private PDMap dMap;


(name="mapConverter", converterClass=StringMapJsonSerializedObjectConverter.class


Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

I am trying to do the following .
first time I insert into the entities using the key "ui" for PDMap and the key "recentprojs" for the PD's map.
PDMap looks like this
id , creationdate, lastupdatedate
1 , date, date
table PD looks like this:
id, name, map dmap_id
1, "ui", {"recentprojs":"11"}, 1
next time when I retreive the same row using
myPref.getAttribute("ui","recentprojs"); i get the right row.
now I am trying to update that entry to something like this:
myPref.setAttribute("ui","recentprojs", "11,9");
so that PD table look like this:
id, name, map dmap_id
1, "ui", {"recentprojs":"11,9"}, 1
and PDMap updates the respective dates,
but since I am updating the value for the same key its not detecting any changes and no updates happen to the tables... why is this ?
but when I change the it to something like this :
userPref.setAttribute("ui_1","recentproj", "11,9"); a new record gets inserted in PD table but no update to the dates in PDMap table. 
but What I want to achieve is update the same row with the new/updated values, how can I do this , and what is happening here.. Appreciate Any suggestiongs and ideas ?
Thank you!

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