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Re: [eclipselink-users] Strange Behavior with One-To-One Mapping - Insert Query Doubt

Hi All

Update: There was a primary key constraint missing on the database for u3 (wondering how i missed it, anyways sorry about that confusion). So this explains why the duplicate row insert was going through fine.

Now the question is shouldn't eclipselink throw an exception when one writes to a read only mapping?

I guess that with the primary key check in place, cache corruption will not happen (can there be another usecase that I am missing?).
Otherwise accidental write to a read-only mapping corrupts the cache so that it is not in sync with the database.


On 5/4/2011 7:12 PM, Rohit Banga wrote:
Hi Chris

I forgot to mention that direct-to-field mapping for a3 is set to read only. So what happens when we try to write to a read-only mapping. Shouldn't there be an exception when I try to write to it or is the value just ignored. Is cache corruption expected in this case?
I am actually catching Exception and logging an error message. Since no error is logged, I can assume no exception is being thrown. Besides here is the Eclipselink log which suggests that everything went fine.

[EL Finer]: ClientSession --commit transaction
[EL Finest]: ServerSession --Connection released to connection pool [default].
[EL Finer]: UnitOfWork --end unit of work commit
[EL Finer]:
UnitOfWork --release unit of work
[EL Finer]:
UnitOfWork --release unit of work
[EL Finer]: ClientSession ---client released

If this sounds perplexing I will try to write a stand alone program ASAP to reproduce the issue.


On 5/4/2011 6:29 PM, Christopher Delahunt wrote:
Hello Rohit,

1) One of the mappings will need to be marked as read-only - you cannot have two writable mappings to the same U3.a3 field.  If one is not marked as read only, please file a bug to have validation throw an exception, detailing how you are adding both mappings for the u3.a3 field. 
2) This situation is not allowed in EclipseLink and the multiple writable mappings for u3.a3 field has caused a cache corruption.  It looks like e3 was cached using the 'a3_new_row' value from the direct to field mapping as this was available without processing, but overriden on insert when the 1:1 mapping was processed since it got processed after the direct to field.  That said, even if this was mapped correctly and only one field was read-only, the application still seems wrong.  You cannot have two entities with the same identity in the same context.  You will need to delete e2 in a separate transaction before resurrecting it as e3, and would likely get an exception had e3 not used the 'a3_new_row' for identity.

3) My understanding is that the database should throw an exception on the insert, so I I cannot say why you are not seeing exceptions.  Could be that you have delayed constraint processing, or have a try/catch block or exception handler that is ignoring the exception. 

Best Regards,

On 04/05/2011 8:25 AM, Rohit Banga wrote:
Hi All

I tried the following with eclipselink build 9156.

There are two tables u1 and u3. u1 has fields a1, b1 with a1 as the primary key and u3 has fields a3, b3 with a3 as the primary key. There is a DynamicType corresponding to both u1 and u3.
Create a target-one-to-one mapping from u1 to u3 with the u3.a3 as the foreign key. Create a one-to-one mapping from u3 to u1 for the back reference.

Now let us assume that there is an entity (E1) of type u1 having the following values - a1='a1_val' and b1='b1_val'. The corresponding entity (E2) linked by the target-one-to-one mapping in a3 has the value a3='a1_val' (foreign key constraint) and b3='b3_val'.

I create a new dynamic entity (E3) of type u3 with a3='a3_new_row' and b3='b3_new_row'. Now I establish the link between E1 and E3 by setting the value of join attribute for both the one-to-one mappings to the respective entities. The following two SQL queries are generated as a result. uow.commit() does not throw an error.

INSERT INTO u3 (b3, a3) VALUES (?, ?)
       bind => [b3_new_row, a1_val]

       bind => [a1_val]

The second query deletes the row inserted by the first query.

I have two doubts here:

1. I provided the value for a3 as 'a3_new_row'. This value is ignored to ensure that the foreign key is populated created properly. Is this expected behavior? Shouldn't eclipselink throw an error for such a situation?

2. After the transaction commits when I issue a ReadAllQuery (with the _expression_ specifying the value of the primary alone so that there is a cache hit). The value of a3 is returned as 'a3_new_row' and that of b3 as 'b3_new_row'. If I restart my program so that there is no cache in place now, the ReadAllQuery (with a left outer join) obviously does not return any entity for u3 as there is no link between u1 and u3 in the database tables. The row in U3 was deleted by the SQL above. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

3. The first INSERT should fail as I already have a row in u3 that has the value of a3 (primary key) as 'a1_val'. Since the back reference one-to-one mapping has privately owned property set to false, eclipselink did not issue a delete for the row that was already existing. But in this case the INSERT should not go through fine. I do not see any exception in my eclipselink logs with logging level set to finest.

Thanks for your help!

Thanks and Regards
Rohit Banga
Member Technical Staff
Oracle Server Technologies

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Thanks and Regards
Rohit Banga
Member Technical Staff
Oracle Server Technologies
_______________________________________________ eclipselink-users mailing list eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks and Regards
Rohit Banga
Member Technical Staff
Oracle Server Technologies

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