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[eclipselink-users] Correct way to set foreign keys for Mapping

I have the following classes and mappings
Class Order {
//this will reference one of the items from the items List below.
Items topItem;
@OneToMany(mappedby="orderP" , cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
List<Items> items = new ArrayList<Items>
Class Items {
Order orderP;
And in the db I have in table Order : topItem_id foreignKey references Items(id)
and for table Items have the : orderP_id foreignKey references Order(id)
Now when I delete the entity Order using remove(order), the items List all get cascaded for delete , but a foreign key violation is thrown for topItem_id , so to resolve this do we just remove/not use the foreign key constraint on topItem_id ?
But then the constraint was placed so that we dont insert an item_id that does not exist.

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