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Re: [eclipselink-users] Setting Foreign Reference Mappings to Read-Only

Hello Rohit,

Not sure what you are after exactly, as you say a6 and b6 are your pks for T6, but in the file you sent, you show:
//        t6Builder.addDirectMapping("a6", String.class, "a6");

The error is occuring because when you comment the a6 mapping out, the field no longer has a way to be set.  Is there a reason you are commenting this line out, or why you don't have both a6 and b6 being defined as primary key fields in the descriptor?

Best Regards,

On 18/04/2011 10:59 AM, Rohit Banga wrote:

I have attached a sample program showing three tables - T1, T2, T6.

Ti has columns ai,bi, ... ei. i=1,2,6.

T1 has primary key a1,b1.
T2 has primary key a2,b2.
T6 has primary key a6,b6.

The attached program throws the following exception. Can this be fixed somehow?

Exception [EclipseLink-46] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.2.0.v20110107-r8783): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException
Exception Description: There should be one non-read-only mapping defined for the primary key field [t6.a6].
Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(jpatest.t6 --> [DatabaseTable(t6)])

Runtime Exceptions:

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0

    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl.initializeDescriptors(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project.addDescriptors(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.DatabaseSessionImpl.addDescriptors(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper.addTypes(

Thanks in Advance!

On 4/18/2011 7:21 PM, Rohit Banga wrote:
Hi All

To avoid ECLIPSELINK-00046, ECLIPSELINK-00048 ( with Dynamic JPA, I am planning to use the following strategy.

If a DirectToFieldMapping is defined for a primary key field of a DynamicType, then for any OneToOneMapping that uses this field set the OneToOneMapping as read-only.

Can someone please clarify the following:

1. Is the above a reasonable and safe way to avoid the exceptions at runtime?

2. What is the impact of having a foreign reference mapping as read-only? Can I not persist changes to the target entity of the mapping?

Thanks and Regards
Rohit Banga
Member Technical Staff
Oracle Server Technologies
_______________________________________________ eclipselink-users mailing list eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks and Regards
Rohit Banga
Member Technical Staff
Oracle Server Technologies

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