I am using the IN Keyword as the list will vary.
So I am not sure how I could create a query that would dynamically have place
holders for the number of values coming in.
I am using a tool called Squirrell to run the query
outside of Eclipselink, so it looks like .... rs.role_code in
('GA', 'GRN', 'PA', 'SA') when I run it there.
Not sure how to convert this using JPQL
Hello Kevin,
Native SQL gets executed exactly as you have
defined it, with each parameter passed in passed directly to the driver as a
single parameter. Drivers treat the parameter as a single serialized
object, which will not match to your role_code field. Try using a single
parameter for each component in the list. How are you running this outside
of EclipseLink, and does it work if you use JPQL instead of a native
Best Regards, Chris
On 30/08/2010 11:50 AM, Kevin
Haskett wrote:
I have a
NamedNativeQuery that is using the "in" SQL statement -
@NamedNativeQuery(name = "findCpSecuredFeatureListRole", query = "select
+ "from
cp_secured s, cp_role_secured rs where s.feature_id = rs.feature_id and rs.role_code in (?)
", resultClass = com.gmrc.jpa.domain.CpSecuredFeature.class)
in my code I call -
final Query query = this.em.createNamedQuery("findCpSecuredFeatureListRole");
query.setParameter(1, roles);
return query.getResultList();
roles is a string representing - 'GA', 'PA',
If I
execute this outside of Eclipselink it seems to run fine. But when it
runs in EclipseLink I get nothing returned in my results. I tried
changing this to a List<String> with each as a seperate entity in the
List but that gave me a Data Type
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