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Re: [eclipselink-users] [MOXy] caching

Hi Polly,

The only time EclipseLink caches objects if you are using the Binder (org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLBinder or javax.xml.bind.Binder.) mechanism or if you have configured your XML descriptor to use document preservation.

For performance testing the following are some items to be aware of:
  • Both XMLContext and JAXBContext are thread safe and only need to be created once.
  • For unmarshalling of Streams it is actually faster to use our JAXB implementation of Unmarshaller rather than the native XMLUnmarshaller as the JAXB implementation uses StAX to perform the XML processing.  The native XMLUnmarshaller uses SAX to avoid forcing a runtime dependency on the StAX library.

polly.c.chang wrote:

Does EclipseLink do any caching with MOXy?  We were doing some performance
tests and getting some strange results sometimes.  I know there is caching
used for the database-related part of EclipseLink.  Is any of that used for
MOXy?  Do you cache either the domain objects or the XML documents that are
being marshalled/unmarshalled?


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