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[eclipselink-users] generating IDs with a stored procedure

I need to generate monotonically increasing IDs (not the primary keys) for a a variety of types. I have table that looks something like

type  char(2)
object_id char(36)
curr_val int

So for a given type, for instance a Project, I need to look for the object_id matching my project, update the curr_val then return it.

The old fashioned way to do this is to do the update first to get the update lock, then do the select. Problem is, when I do this with NativeQueries in eclipselink, I need to to a flush after the update before I can do the select, and the flush appears to be expensive.

I just need to get the value back - I'm not returning a JPA object in this case.

My thought is to do it in an Oracle Stored Procedure. Is there a way to get a value back from a stored proc call using just NativeQuery in the JPA interface, or should I use the EclipseLink support for this.

Alternatively, is there a better way to do this? I don't want to use sequences because they are not transactional, and the monotonic increasing key is important, for whatever reason, to the user.

Thanks. Pointers to code examples appreciated.


David Parker

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