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Re: [eclipselink-users] Java Unit Test re-create the Tables from Entities

Hi, If you don't want to drop existing tables but only create for non-existent ones - use "create-tables". Otherwise, you will want 2 persistence units - here only one is configured with ddl-generation set to drop-and-create-tables. PU 1 = ddl-generation on, RESOURCE_LOCAL only - use to create/populate your tables
      PU 2 = ddl-generation off, RESOURCE_LOCAL or JTA

Check out the following tutorials which demonstrate how to run EclipseLink on application servers like WebLogic or web container only servers like Tomcat. In all cases we use a separate SE JPA project to create and initially populate the database. After this the web or ejb container-managed persistence unit can use the configured schema.

An example of [PU 1] - an SE JPA project to prep the database for the tutorials

An example of [PU 2] - container managed JTA based

   thank you

RogerV wrote:

I've created a new dynamic web-project in Eclipse Galileo and added
Persistence & EclipseLink to it - rather than create two projects - a JPA
Project and a Web Project and including the JPA project as a dependancy of
the Web project. I've defined some entities (persistence.xml ddl-generation
set to "drop-and-create-tables") and used the Dali tools to create Tables
from Entities - and written the code to pre-populate some control table
entries via EclipseLink.

However, when I try to run any unit test that accesses the persistence
layer, EclipseLink drops the tables and re-creates them and my unit tests
fail because the control data is obviously no longer present. Is this
because I haven't separated the projects - or have I missed something in the


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