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Re: [eclipselink-users] Batch insert

Check out the wiki on batch writing:


On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Leen Toelen <toelen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> what is the recommended way to batch insert an object tree using
> eclipselink? I have a three-level object tree, where each parent has a one
> tot many relationship with its children.
> A
> - B
>    - C
>    - C
>    - C
>    - C
>    - C
> - B
>    - C
>    - C
>    - C
> -B
>    - C
> When I use em.persist(a) with logging set to FINEST, I notice that each
> object generates a separate insert statement, and a "select @@IDENTITY"
> after the insert. The persist is transactional, so all inserts are committed
> at the same time, but is there a way to only create a single insert
> statement fot the C objects with multiple parameters like this
> insert into C(col1,col2,B_ID)
> values
> (...,...,...)
> (...,...,...)
> (...,...,...)
> (...,...,...)
> (...,...,...)
> and execute this in one go?
> I tried eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing "JDBC", but this only batches a
> single insert of C, which does not solve the problem.
> Does anyone has an idea to improve batch insertion time?
> Regards,
> Leen Toelen
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