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Re: [eclipselink-users] Eclipselink and CGLib-enhanced entity types

Hi James,

This does not quite work as intended, I believe. Setting


will cause all inheriting classes to be persistent and makes eclipselink expect a class discriminator column (I am using eclipselink 1.1.0).
In addition, the entity class is _dynamically_ enhanced at runtime, thus it's class does not match the type defined in the persistence unit.
Furthermore, it's quite possible that non-enhanced and enhanced versions of the same entity type are persisted. This results in  three problems:

1.) With the above setting, inheriting classes are regarded as persistence-capable, even if they are not
2.) Eclipselink expects a discriminator column for types supporting persistence for non-entity subclasses. However, the expected discriminator column was not generated during pre-deployment (Maybe because the entity type was not enhanced at that point), thus a NPE occurs when querying the table of the entities whos inheritance policy supports non-persistent subclasses

        at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord.get(
        at org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.InheritancePolicy.classFromRow(

(As getClassIndicatorField() of InheritancePolicy returns null)

3.) The Persistence Context commits inconsistently as the commit-order is build upon a direct comparison of the entity type
      referenced in the persistence unit and the type of the entity in the context (in CommitManager):

            // The commit order is all of the classes ordered by dependencies, this is done for deadlock avoidance.
            for (Enumeration classesEnum = getCommitOrder().elements(); <-- from persistence unit
                     classesEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
                Class theClass = (Class)classesEnum.nextElement();
                if (objectToWrite.getClass() == theClass) { <-- compares Persistence-unit type with runtime type

       The latter comparison leads to the commit manager ignoring the enhanced entities by not adding them to
       the set of changed objects to commit.

Looking at this I believe introducing support for entity proxies does still require a significant amount of work...
I shall file an issue.


James Sutherland wrote:
This works by default in the native API, but in JPA a check was added to
ensure the object's class was correct.

You can disable this check by using a DescriptorCustomizer or
SessionCustomizer to set,


However, please log a bug for this, as this setting should not be on
inheritance policy, as it must be supported for descriptors without
inheritance as well.  It should also be reconsidered to be disabled by
default, as CGLib and subclasses are quite common.

Olaf Otto wrote:
Hello eclipselink users,

I am wondering whether eclipselink supports entities that are proxied by 
CGlib at runtime.
I have the following situation: If certain entity classes are loaded 
from the persistence layer, their instantiation strategy may proxy them 
to support custom lazy-loading behavior (thats a long story, short). 
After implementing this i realized that - not quite unexpected - 
eclipselink could no longer retrieve the ClassDescriptor metadata for 
the enhanced entity type, nor could modifications to instances of the 
type be commited. Apparently, there are quite a number of 
<entity>.getClass() == <x> checks and other direct usages of the entity 
type in eclipselink which effectively prevent proxy usage.

Am i correct or is there a way to proxy entity types without these 



--- James Sutherland
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