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Re: [eclipselink-users] Coordinating the cache of different PersistenceUnits

Hi Gordon,

Thank you very much for your help. I think you've cracked it for me, what you're saying is:

1) I configure Cache Co-ordination for each ClientSession by registering a SessionCustomizer which sets up the connection to, for example, a single JMS topic "jms/singleCacheCoordination" (as described in the links that you posted and here )

2) There's no discrimination between entities updated by different Persistence Units i.e. each entity has a global identity (which all JPA entity POJO instances in all L2 caches, regardless of Persistence Unit, can be identified with) and therefore wherever it's cached in an L2 cache associated with a ClientSession that is subscribed to "jms/singleCacheCoordination", it will be updated.

Many thanks again for your help,


Gordon Yorke wrote:
Cache Co-ordination will co-ordinate between different Persistence Units if all Persistence Units are configured for co-ordination. Information on configuring Cache-Cordination in EclipseLink can be found here : In JPA you will need to use a SessionCustomizer ( )and use the JAVA co-ordination configuration.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Steve Sims wrote:

I was wondering if somebody could help me with a question about the relationship between different persistence units, their cache and how to coordinate them. I'm sorry in advance if this post is a little basic to post on this list, but I've read through the EJB3-persistence spec (which correctly leaves implementation details to the JPA provider) and the eclipselink-a-pedia and wiki which I could follow a little but don't really know what I'm looking for!

Anyway, I have a core application that represents a number of different businesses or "Service Providers" to which I'd like to add specialised Service Provider applications after deployment such as an application specifically for Restaurants or Taxis etc.

Not knowing too much about database design and architecture, I'm thinking that the best way to architect it, from a software perspective is composition; so the core data about a Service Provider that's common to all providers (such as a phone number, name, address etc.) would exist in a core Persistence Unit ("corePU") controlled by a core application with corresponding business logic.

The more specific applications that would be deployed later, say for example a Restaurant application, would have a Restaurant specific Persistence Unit ("restPU") and business logic and would store information about a Restaurant Service Provider that was specialised such as menus or cost of a meal etc.

So my persistence units would "ideally" look like this:

 - ServiceProvider Table
   - Phone Number
   - Name
   - Address
 - Restaurant Table
   - ServiceProvider (OneToOne)
   - Meal Cost

Unfortunately, because of the ServiceProvider reference, as I need to run a JPQL query on a Restaurant such as "find all low cost restaurants near to this address", I need to have the ServiceProvider objects in the same Persistence Unit as the Restaurant - but they're also in the the corePU. Just to make it more difficult, I want to run this in a cluster too!

Therefore, my restaurant persistence units now look like this!

 - ServiceProvider Table
   - Phone Number
   - Name
   - Address
 - ServiceProvider Table
   - Phone Number
   - Name
   - Address
 - Restaurant Table
   - ServiceProvider (OneToOne)
   - Meal Cost

So finally (and sorry about this huge post), I have JPA eclipselink L2 cached objects floating around in "corePU" that I update through the core app's business logic, however I need to see those changes in "restPU"'s JPQL queries. Therefore, is there any way of getting the L2 cache of "corePU" to synchronise with the L2 cache of "restPU" or am I going to have to use the Database as my single point and use EntityManager.flush() in the core app and the QueryHint.REFRESH in restPU (which is what I'm currently doing but it's presumably going to kill scalability)?

...or please feel free to tell me if I'm just being silly and abusing PersistenceUnits?

Many thanks in advance for getting to the end of this post!

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