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Re: [eclipselink-users] Re: rcp, osgi, and dynamic weaving

Hi Tom,

No unfortunately not. I have updated the bug report.


On 8 Jan 2009, at 19:04, Tom Ware wrote:

Hi Joel,

 I have entered a bug for this issue:

 The workaround is listed in the bug.  Let me know if it helps.


Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:
Hi Tom,
This is not in my application's workspace. I have set up a dedicated workspace to build EclipseLink for the purpose if creating the weaving bundles. I am using Eclipse 3.4.1. I have checked out <svn:/ org.eclipse.persistence> all of the projects you see in the screen shot from the EclipseLink repository. The target is also 3.4.1. There are no errors in the build. When I run "Export => Deployable plug-ins and fragments" the export fails and produces the logs.
If you need more info, please let me know.
On 7 Jan 2009, at 21:10, Tom Ware wrote:
Hi Joel,

What steps do you take in your workspace to see the problem?

Does the your application run for you inside Eclipse?


Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:
Yes, Tom, here is a shot of my workspace
On 7 Jan 2009, at 20:20, Tom Ware wrote:
Hi Joel,

Do you have our javax.persistence bundle with version 1.99? It is available in our SVN repository under trunk/jpa/plugins and in our distribution as javax.persistence_2.0_preview.jar. That bundle is required for OSGi JPA.

When we have you properly setup, dynamic weaving should simply work with no modifications to your app. You are not even required to set it in your persistence.xml. As long as you have not explicitly turned it off, it will work.


Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:
Hi Tom,
I tried this over the holidays but ran into a problem on the export. I am attaching the export logs. I hope that attaching text files is acceptable, if not please let me know. I would also like some basic hints on how to configure the this. Is it simply a matter of turning dynamic weaving on in persistence.xml or is more needed?
On 5 Jan 2009, at 16:06, Tom Ware wrote:
Hi Joel,

The code for our dynamic weaving support can currently only be found in our SVN repository and it has only been implemented for equinox.

It consists of two parts:

1. An Equinox fragment called: org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.equinox.weaving

2. An additional EclipseLink bundle: org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.equinox

At the moment, we are only distributing those things as Eclipse Projects, but it should be possible to export them and use them. Let me know how far you get and I will help you with any issues.

As for the service-based approach, this is also something we are quite interested in. I suspect work on this ramp up after our initial JPA 2.0 support becomes available - the priority at the moment.


Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:
Hi Tom,
I have everything working. For now I have it structured the same as the Comic app. In the future I would still prefer to organise it more as a service base approach if possible. But for now at least I have a functional application. I would very much appreciate your assistance with getting dynamic weaving support working. This is my next hurdle.
Many thanks and a happy new year to all,
On 19 Dec 2008, at 16:24, Tom Ware wrote:
Hi Joel,

Our RCP demo is the best starting-point for OSGi usage. Here is a link to the instructions in our SVN repository.

Both the setup and the actual RCP demo use OSGi.

We also have some Equinox-specific dynamic weaving support which we can help you get running when you have the OSGi basics running. It consists of a bundle that adds to our JPA support and a bundle that hooks into Equinox.


Joel Rosi-Schwartz wrote:
Hi Shaun,
In the referenced thread below, you mentioned that you were putting together an OSGI example. I've had a look in org.eclipse.persistence/trunk/examples/ but I do not find any OSGI related examples. Has anything been put together yet as an Eclipselink quick start on Equinox.
                                Joel Rosi-Schwartz
              Etish Limited []
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* From: Shaun Smith <shaun.smith@xxxxxxxxxx>
* Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:38:50 -0400
* Delivered-to: eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx >
* User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)
Hi Ted,
I'm up on starting services and this is how we have it working for plain OSGi apps in Equinox. The issue is around my lack of experience with the different ways to launch Equinox. Launching an RCP app is not the same as just starting up an Equinox with a bunch of bundles with services. The problem I was running into when I tried this was that my services were not started before the RCP main application was started. I'm currently revisiting the Comics RCP example to get a better picture of the issues and hopefully someone will be able to help me clear them. I'll also get a plain OSGi weaving example checked into the EclipseLink SVN trunk along with some docs. I'll post when it's checked in.
Ted Pricer wrote:
> This is a continuation of a discussion started in the
> eclipse.rt.eclipselink newsgroup:
> Shaun,
> I think the way to start a specific service is to specify the > containing bundle in the osgi.bundles section of config.ini file (or
> just as a system property) with an entry such as:
> osgi .bundles = org .eclipse .equinox .common @2 :start ,org .eclipse .update .configurator @4 :start ,org .eclipse .core .runtime@start,org.eclipse.eclipselinkbundletostart:start
> Substituting for org.eclipse.eclipselinkbundletostart.
> Which bundle includes the service that needs to start for dynamic
> weaving to work?
> Ted
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