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Re: [eclipselink-users] Russian locale will not load Oracle driver

On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:04:06 +0100, Tom Ware <tom.ware@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Are you using the EclipseLink OSGi bundles that we ship? If so, does the exception you see cause any issues. The reason I ask is the following bug:

In contrast to the bug, the driver can really not be loaded when the locale is set to russian. German and English works.
Its not a logging issue.

Philipp Kursawe wrote:
On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 16:45:41 +0100, James Sutherland <jamesssss@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

There is not such property.  How do you set the local manually?

You may be able to set it through using a SessionCustomizer.

I am running inside an OSGi environment (Equinox) and the locale is set from the command line using "-nl ru". However the driver should never be loaded locale dependend. Or at least fall back to "en" locale. Since I am using EclipseLink as an JPA provider I do not want to wrestle around with SessionCustomizer, which is EclipseLink only. I would never be able to switch my JPA implementation later.
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