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Re: [eclipselink-users] org.hibernate.criterion.Example equivalent in Eclipselink

I get the following messgae when I click on the link 

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Gaurav Malhotra wrote:
>  In Hibernate I use to write the following generic code and utilize
> hibernates org.hibernate.criterion.Example.
>  public List<T> findByExample(T exampleCriteria) {
>   final T t = exampleCriteria;
>   List<T> list = (List<T>) getJpaTemplate().execute(new JpaCallback() {
>    public Object doInJpa(javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
>      throws javax.persistence.PersistenceException {
>     final Example example = Example.create(t).excludeZeroes();
>     Criteria criteria = ((Session) em.getDelegate())
>       .createCriteria(t.getClass()).add(example)
>       .setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY);
>     return criteria.list();
>    }
>   });
>   return list;
>  }
> Whats an equivalent in EclipseLink?? 

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