Bryan Hunt wrote:
I respectfully disagree with these project priorities. As
an Eclipse hosted project, I would expect an Eclipse (bundle) based
architecture to be top priority.
I hear what you're saying. But the reality is we have an existing code
base that is being contributed to Eclipse and the first step is to get
it compiling and building "as is". Best to have it working so we at
least have a solid code base to start from. However we are looking
ahead as this conversation proves--we've only got Milestone 1 out and
yet we're already talking about packaging in bundles. It's obviously a
priority but "priority one" is get the code compiling and the build
infrastructure into place.
It's been my observation that technology such as JPA
(Hibernate) and SDO (Tuscany) have inherent architectures that are
orthogonal to OSGi. It is my hope that this problem of opposing
architectures would be top priority, as opposed to retrofitting things
This is exactly why this is so interesting! We have an opportunity to
shape EclipseLink so that it is compatible with OSGi.
Given my experience so far I don't see any major issues with JPA beyond
byte code weaving (which is optional in EclipseLink) in OSGi but the
classes that make up the SDO specification are problematic. In SDO
they find "the" key HelperProviderImpl class via a classForName lookup
and then stick it into a static. It's not possible to have multiple
co-existing SDO implementations on your classpath because of this. JPA
has intentionally addressed this issue. What this means is that I've
had to package the SDO commonj.sdo classes in the EclipseLink bundle to
ensure that those using EclipseLink SDO don't have to worry about
colliding with other SDO impls. I expect other SDO impls like Tuscany
to have to do the same--at least in SDO 2.1. SDO 3.0 may address this
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Shaun Smith | Principal Product Manager | +1.905.502.3094
Oracle TopLink
110 Matheson Boulevard West, Suite 100
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