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  • [eclipselink-dev] Milestone M1 for 1.1.3 complete..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] bug 286961: ModifyAllQuery.invalidateCache should never check ReadLocks, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Patch for bug 286973, Edwin Tang
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in: Fix bug 286870, Yiping Zhao
  • Re: [eclipselink-dev] Re: Bug 280803: JPA 2.0 Pessimistic Locking Scope, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] JPA team: SRG failures on latest 1.1.3 ContinuousBuild..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Reminder EclipseLink Committer Meeting MOVED: Thursdays 11:00am ET, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] bug 283145 - Repeatable Write Unit Of Work register New Object sequences, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] bug 286416 - RWUOW referenced in Descriptor Query Manager expression cache, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 282732 - commit/flush without use of persist operation, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Re: Bug 280803: JPA 2.0 Pessimistic Locking Scope, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 280803: JPA 2.0 Pessimistic Locking Scope, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Minutes: EclipseLink Committer Meeting Aug 12th 2009, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] fix for bug 286206, Dies Koper
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in: Fix bug 286324, Yiping Zhao
  • [eclipselink-dev] IMPORTANT: New meeting dial in information for Weekly Committer Meeting., Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] Meeting coordinates changed?, Mitesh Meswani
  • [eclipselink-dev] CANCEL: EclipseLink Dev meeting for today, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.0-M6 Complete, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 284884, David Minsky
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in: JAXB2.1.12 jars, David Twelves
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN Commit: ReportQuery tests/fixes, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] A Question expected behavior for callback events, Mitesh Meswani
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in: Bug 260288 - @Transient annotations are not ignored when marked as metadata-complete in orm.xml, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Logged and fixed bug 284581: NPE in EntityManagerImpl.processConnectionPolicyProperties, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 284305 aggregate type change not merged, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Backport bug 284351 Checked in - Backport 261368: DiscriminatorType.INTEGER is ignored on DiscriminatorColumn, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Minutes: Committer meeting July 22 2009, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in: Bug 283338 - JPA 2.0 - DDL Generation for Map Collections, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Eclipse Dev meeting, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 283759: JPA 2.0 Schema/Catalog on SequenceGenerator, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] @OneToMany with not nullable foreign key and OUTER JOIN to Secondary Table, Andrei Shakirin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug # MOXY Unmarshalling of a DateTime to a java.util.Calendar, Gray, Andrew
  • [eclipselink-dev] Proposal to integrate Bean Validation with EclipseLink, Mitesh Meswani
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked In - Fix for bug 282571 - JPA2.0: ManyToMany with a mapkey causes DescriptorException-93 "The table [X] is not present in this descriptor", Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in - Delimited Identifiers, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN (main) pending commit: bug#283335 - performance, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.0 M5 is complete., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Design for JPA 2.0 Delimited Identifiers feature, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Re: BUILD STATUS:: 1.1.0 cb build complete., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Re: Review for changes required to introduce PersitenceUtilImpl, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] CHECK IN: 264637, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 282553: JPA 2.0 JoinTable support for OneToOne and ManyToOne is ready for review, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in - Bug 249224 - JPQL updates - allow embeddables in report query results, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] PLEASE READ: Copyright Checkin, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] Check in Bug 249224 - updates for CASE and for passthrough of JDBC Date, Timestamp, and Time escape strings, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] No Dev Meeting: Wednesday July 1st, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] Working on 2.0.0 M4 - promoting v20090626-r4569, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in: JPQL updates for COALESCE, NULLIF, and INDEX, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 1.1.2 Released in Galileo, Douglas Clarke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked In updates to JPQL for JOIN, AS, Subquery, Member of and Constructor Expressions, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN Commit: Bug#272215, update to dist merge fix, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] bug 252491 - "JPA 2.0 Adding Case style function support to EclipseLink expressions", christopher delahunt
  • [eclipselink-dev] Criteria API partial checkin - query execution, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] checked in patch for bug 280350, christopher delahunt
  • [eclipselink-dev] Criteria API partial checkin, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 248797: submitted fix checked in - ClassCastException in Weblogic 10 when using blobs with Oracle, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 265763... discussion needed., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN Commit: Bug#221546 - performance, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] Re: Bug 249037: JPA 2.0 persisting list item index. The second core patch checked into trunk., Andrei Ilitchev

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