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  • [eclipselink-dev] Trunk Ant JPA LRG XML report is truncated since ~23 Oct - it reports on only 70 of 1644 tests - running in Eclipse is ok, Michael O'Brien
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN main commit: Bug#291501 - expression operator concurrency issue, and some expression/jpql fixes/tests, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 286087 fixed on trunk - issue with package names starting the java, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] +1 for Andreas Fischbach on rt.eclipselink, portal on behalf of Guy Pelletier
  • [eclipselink-dev] Vote for Committer status for Andreas Fischbach has started, portal on behalf of Doug Clarke
  • [eclipselink-dev] +1 for Adrian Goerler on rt.eclipselink, portal on behalf of Michael O'Brien
  • [eclipselink-dev] Vote for Committer status for Adrian Goerler has started, portal on behalf of Doug Clarke
  • [eclipselink-dev] lock issue with core tests on Derby, Dies Koper
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN main commit: bug #218233 - db2 pagination, bug 262889 db2 sequencing, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.0 M11 Complete..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Milestone today..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] 1.2.0 Released!, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 292931 fixed - JPA 2.0 JPQL functions in the Select clause, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in patch for bug 292954 - enhance OSGi test results to use ant junit report format, Edwin Tang
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 277550 fixed - annotations are too restrictive, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in patch for bug 292951 --- test failures of "test-spring-srg", Yiping Zhao
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 291364 - Fixes to PDE manifests, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN main commit: Bug#215079 - H2Platform, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] issues while running Foundation JUnit tests, Dies Koper
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 290475 fixed - JPA 2.0 @ElementCollection for Map<, > ignores @MapKeyJoinColumn, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in patch for bug 292699 - Enable OSGi tests to run with Oracle DB, Edwin Tang
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in patch for bug 292695 --- need to change JPA testframework to support getting entitymanager from injection and jndi lookup both, Yiping Zhao
  • [eclipselink-dev] Checked in patch for bug 292562 - need ant targets to build OSGi-specific jar, Edwin Tang
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.0 M10 Published... more frequent 2.0.0 milestone schedule..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] 1.2.0 RC4 Available, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Check-in Bug 288715 - Creation of Indices in SchemaManager + other fixes for SymfowarePlatform support, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] JUnit 4.5 Requirement, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] suggestion: remove .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs from SVN version control, Mike Norman
  • [eclipselink-dev] Trunk builds and JUnit 4.5..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] BUILD STATUS:: trunk nighty build failed!, eric . gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 291916 - CriteriaBuilder.exists returns incorrect result., Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Check In - Bugs 292255, Bug 291281 and Bug 291192 - fix PersistenceUtil tests, better behavior for orphan removal and MapKeys, remove use of Arrays.copy, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 1.2, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] minor changes to PersistenceProvider to support custom PersistenceInitializationHelper, Mike Norman
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 290617 Fixed - JPQL containing select KEY(identification_variable) does not compile, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Re: [eclipselink-users] Re: EclipseLink with Apache Felix, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.0.0 M9 complete., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Check-in - JPA 2.0 Criteria API (Case/Coalesce), Tom Ware

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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