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  • [eclipselink-dev] M19.1 released, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 360720 - OuterJoinTest within flashback.FlashbackUnitTestSuite failed on MySQL 5.5.16, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Added optional dependency to JAX-RS APIs to MOXy project/bundle, Blaise Doughan
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.4 Branch date postponed, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] Juno M7, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.4.0 M19 complete..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 378393 checked in, Pascal Filion
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 378512 checked in, David Minsky
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 365210 - SOME XDB TESTS FAILED WITH ORACLE JDBC DRIVER, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 338393 - IndirectSet.clear() violates Set contract which may lead to data inconsistencies, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Table per tenant, Guy Pelletier
  • [eclipselink-dev] Initial Merge for 377688, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 366458 - Query hint eclipselink.join-fetch can cause wrongly populated data, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Oracle EclipseLink team hiring in Ottawa, Peter Krogh
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 377807 - Cascade Refresh does not work on untriggered lazy relationships, Gordon Yorke
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 370474 - in a joined inheritance hierarchy, base class OneToMany relationship, query using join fetch works once then fails, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 377830 - Dynamic: type removal causes NPE in CommitManager, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Removal of old BND build pathway., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 2.4.0 Minimum VM-Level, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Hermes JPQL Parser Bundles, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 362318 - Custom ValueHolder POJO cannot be Serialized, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 373295 - EclipseLink elementCollection mapping doesn't work on Oracle deployment, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN trunk commit: Bug#350597 - FROM sub-selects, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 371364 - please review, Heider, Sabine
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 376995 - Invalid named JPQL Query causes invalid session to stick around, throw confusing exceptions, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] foreign key index patch, Péntek Gábor
  • [eclipselink-dev] Initial JPA-RS check-in, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN trunk commit: Bug#276147 - Unions, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.4.0-M17.2 published, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for Bug 376499 Checked in, Vikram Bhatia
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN trunk commit: Bug#315087 support CAST, EXTRACT in JPQL, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for Bug 375904 Checked in, Vikram Bhatia
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.4.0 Milestone M17 complete..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Build updated to Tycho 0.14.1, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 370009 - ReadConnectionPool's new connection's call count is always greater than zero, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 365704 - JNDI location for JBoss Transaction Manager is wrong, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 373017 - [CriteriaQuery] Wrong join conditions created for a criteria query with an exists clause, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] How to import eclipselink to eclipse?, Péntek Gábor
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for bug 375463 checked in, David Minsky
  • [eclipselink-dev] EIS OneToMany issue, Julien Ruaux
  • [eclipselink-dev] MySQL issue while running unit-tests, Pascal Filion
  • [eclipselink-dev] Recent changes..., Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for Bug 374207 checked in, Vikram Bhatia
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN trunk commit: Bug#312146 JPQL, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 2.4.0 M16 available, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Error trying EclipseLink preferences on Juno M6, Cristiano Gavião
  • [eclipselink-dev] STUCK problems, Singh, Mejar
  • [eclipselink-dev] trunk check in for bug 374136, Christopher Delahunt
  • [eclipselink-dev] check in for bug 368365, Christopher Delahunt
  • [eclipselink-dev] 2.4.0 M15 complete, Eric Gwin
  • [eclipselink-dev] Fix for Bug 370975 - JPA tests in J2SE failed with JDK1.7 - weaving failures on JDK 1.7 and with certain class configurations, Tom Ware
  • [eclipselink-dev] STUCK Threads + @Transient behaviour, Singh, Mejar
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN commit trunk: Bug#246356 inner joins, James Sutherland
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 364442 - NPE caused by concurrent usage of Query.setHint on named query with join-fetch/batch, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] Bug 373120 - Add persistence unit property overrides to Metadata Repository, Andrei Ilitchev
  • [eclipselink-dev] SVN commit trunk: Bug#305187 JPQL enhancements, James Sutherland

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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