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Re: [eclipselink-dev] Question on compilations errors

Your question had me take a deeper look at /eclipselink.jpa.test/antbuild.xml
The exclusions in target compile-standard are not respected with Javac8, with Javac7 it is ok

Thank you !!!

Nicolas Marcotte
Analyste technologique – Architecture, conception et développement
Système d’information - Service des technologies de l'information
Université de Sherbrooke
Tél:  819 821-8000 poste 63276       
Courriel : Nicolas.Marcotte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On 04/14/2015 11:30 AM, Lukas Jungmann wrote:

On 4/13/15 3:11 PM, Nicolas Marcotte wrote:

I would like to know if it is normal that I had to change line 436 of antbuild.xml:
 <pathelement path="${jpatest.2.jpa.plugins.dir}/${persistence20.jar}"/>
 <pathelement path="${jpatest.2.jpa.plugins.dir}/${persistence21.jar}"/>
to get the test suite to compile since without that change I would get the following error many times:

does it happens also if you run 'test-srg21'/'test-lrg21' targets?


 [javac] .../git/eclipse/eclipselink.runtime/jpa/eclipselink.jpa.test/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/jpa21/advanced/ddl/schema/ error: cannot find symbol
 [javac]         foreignKey=@ForeignKey(

I was able to run the jpa Small regression test suite successfully so I guess that it is correct but still I wonder If a missed a setting.

Thank you

Nicolas Marcotte
Analyste technologique – Architecture, conception et développement
Système d’information - Service des technologies de l'information
Université de Sherbrooke
Tél:  819 821-8000 poste 63276       
Courriel : Nicolas.Marcotte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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