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Re: [eclipselink-dev] JPA test issue: object-type-converter orm mapping

Hi Guy,


Thanks for your help! I’ve changed the mapping as you suggested, see


Best regards,



From: eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Guy Pelletier
Sent: Freitag, 19. April 2013 16:20
To: eclipselink-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [eclipselink-dev] JPA test issue: object-type-converter orm mapping


Hi Sabine,

Having the object type converter defined within the basic is ok and you need only add the convert to plug the convert into the mapping, e.g.

            <basic name="gender">

                <object-type-converter name="gender" data-type="String" object-type="Mafioso$Gender">

                    <conversion-value data-value="F" object-value="Female"/>

                    <conversion-value data-value="M" object-value="Male"/>




On 18/04/2013 6:26 PM, Heider, Sabine wrote:



I had a look into the JPA tests org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.jpa.xml.advanced.EntityMappingsMultitenantJUnitTestCase.testCreateMafiaFamily* which fail on Sybase ASE.

It turned out that the mapping contained an ObjectTypeConverter for the Gender enum, which doesn’t work.


I wonder, though, whether the XML mapping file (eclipselink-xml-only-model/advanced-multitenant-entity-mappings.xml) is actually correct. This is the relevant section:


    <entity name="XMLMafioso" class="Mafioso">




            <basic name="gender">

                <object-type-converter name="gender" data-type="String" object-type="Mafioso$Gender">

                    <conversion-value data-value="F" object-value="Female"/>

                    <conversion-value data-value="M" object-value="Male"/>







Is this a correct mapping? Or should it rather be:


    <object-type-converter name="gender" data-type="String" object-type="Mafioso$Gender">

        <conversion-value data-value="F" object-value="Female"/>

        <conversion-value data-value="M" object-value="Male"/>



    <entity name="XMLMafioso" class="Mafioso">




            <basic name="gender">







? This is what I find in the documentation. With this mapping the test passes.


Should I simply change the mapping in the test to use the second option, or is the first mapping correct and there is rather an issue in the runtime?


Thanks and best regards,



Sabine Heider

SAP AG I Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 I 69190 Walldorf I Germany


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Guy Pelletier

ORACLE Canada, 45 O'Connor Street Suite 400 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 1A4

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