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Re: [eclipselink-dev] fix for bug 325605

   bug 325605 was checked in under SVN rev# 8555
Fix: Filter all SQL category logs at FINEST level out of QuerySQLTracker - actually only affects the warning output block of databaseAccessor.basicExecuteCall()
New test: testDeleteEmployee_with_status_enum_collection_instantiated()

>We have decided on the FINEST level - FINER could be filtered but may affect batch writing
>regression DB2 9.7U
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" hostname="xps435" name="org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.jpa.AllCMP3TestRunModel" tests="2176" time="514.914" timestamp="2010-11-23T21:06:09">

>regression Oracle 11 (same for clean and modified view)
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" hostname="xps435" name="org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.jpa.AllCMP3TestRunModel" tests="2176" time="587.754" timestamp="2010-11-24T16:10:37"> <testsuite errors="42" failures="0" hostname="xps435" name="org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.TestRunModel" tests="5162" time="541.526" timestamp="2010-11-24T16:39:46">

thank you

Michael O'Brien wrote:
The category cutoff for "no SQL tracking" needs to be reduced to FINEST as 20 tests in the JPA suite rely on SQL statement tracking of at least the FINE level. Or we can modify JPA/Core to log SQL Statements only above FINE.

   This patch is the same as the previous but with a single line change
-                && entry.getLevel() > SessionLog.FINE) {
+                && entry.getLevel() > SessionLog.FINEST) {

>for example jpql.testFetchGroups() logs at FINE == 3 which is not compatible with a filter cutoff at the FINE level entry SessionLogEntry (id=1299) level 3 message "SELECT t0.EMP_ID, t0.F_NAME, t0.L_NAME, t0.VERSION FROM CMP3_EMPLOYEE t0, CMP3_SALARY t1 WHERE ((t0.EMP_ID = ?) AND (t1.EMP_ID = t0.EMP_ID))\r\n\tbind => [9557]" (id=1311) nameSpace "sql" (id=1314) Thread [Thread-1121] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 67 in QuerySQLTracker)) QuerySQLTracker.log(SessionLogEntry) line: 67 ServerSession(AbstractSession).log(SessionLogEntry) line: 2665 ServerSession(AbstractSession).log(int, String, String, Object[], Accessor, boolean) line: 3777 DatabaseAccessor.basicExecuteCall(Call, AbstractRecord, AbstractSession) line: 572 DatabaseAccessor.executeCall(Call, AbstractRecord, AbstractSession) line: 526 ServerSession.executeCall(Call, AbstractRecord, DatabaseQuery) line: 530 JPQLCallQueryMechanism(DatasourceCallQueryMechanism).executeCall(DatasourceCall) line: 206 JPQLCallQueryMechanism(DatasourceCallQueryMechanism).executeCall() line: 192 JPQLCallQueryMechanism(DatasourceCallQueryMechanism).selectOneRow() line: 664 JPQLCallQueryMechanism(ExpressionQueryMechanism).selectOneRowFromTable() line: 2603 JPQLCallQueryMechanism(ExpressionQueryMechanism).selectOneRow() line: 2574 ReadObjectQuery.executeObjectLevelReadQuery() line: 444 ReadObjectQuery(ObjectLevelReadQuery).executeDatabaseQuery() line: 1080 ReadObjectQuery(DatabaseQuery).execute(AbstractSession, AbstractRecord) line: 782 ReadObjectQuery(ObjectLevelReadQuery).execute(AbstractSession, AbstractRecord) line: 1040 ReadObjectQuery.execute(AbstractSession, AbstractRecord) line: 412 ReadObjectQuery(ObjectLevelReadQuery).executeInUnitOfWork(UnitOfWorkImpl, AbstractRecord) line: 1126 RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork(UnitOfWorkImpl).internalExecuteQuery(DatabaseQuery, AbstractRecord) line: 2960 RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork(AbstractSession).executeQuery(DatabaseQuery, AbstractRecord, int) line: 1303 RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork(AbstractSession).executeQuery(DatabaseQuery, AbstractRecord) line: 1285 RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork(AbstractSession).executeQuery(DatabaseQuery, List) line: 1259 EJBQueryImpl<X>.executeReadQuery() line: 484 EJBQueryImpl<X>.getSingleResult() line: 772 AdvancedQueryTestSuite.testFetchGroups() line: 292
>results at FINEST
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" hostname="xps435" name="org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.jpa.AllCMP3TestRunModel" tests="2176" time="514.914" timestamp="2010-11-23T21:06:09">

   We can discuss this tomorrow.
   thank you
Michael O'Brien wrote:
A patch file for bug 325606 is now available for review.

After a review by Doug and Peter.
thank you

Michael O'Brien wrote:
A patch file for bug 325605 is now available for review

Description: DB2 9.7 Universal fails a single cascade test from 324341 because SQL Warnings are being tracked as SQL Statements in the QuerySQLTracker subclass of AbstractSessionLog. Fix is to add new sessionLog SQL_WARNING category and use it in databaseAccessor.basicExecuteCall().

Please review and provide any feedback

>Regression test results: OK
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" hostname="xps435" name="org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.jpa.AllCMP3TestRunModel" tests="2176" time="474.703" timestamp="2010-11-22T21:36:35">

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