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[eclipselink-dev] bug 326962 - MaxDB can't compare two parameters in a comparison predicate

Hi Tom, all,
the tests
JUnitJPQLSimpleTestSuite.testOneEqualsOne and JUnitCriteriaSimpleTestSuite.testOneEqualsOne
atempt to compare two parameters in a comparison predicate. On MaxDB, this is not possible.
Hence, I am suggesting to skip the tests on MaxDB.
@Tom: Could you please have a look?
@Dies: The JUnitJPQLSimpleTestSuite.testOneEqualsOne is skipped on Symfoware. I am suggesting to add a skip for the corresponding criteria-based test JUnitCriteriaSimpleTestSuite.testOneEqualsOne as well. Could you please re-test this on Symfoware?
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