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[eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink 2.1.0 Helios

Hi all, 

I would like to announce the release of EclipseLink 2.1.0 Helios. This release of 2.1.0 brings a number of exciting features which were voted on, and chosen by the community. 

Some of the JPA features included in this release are 
- improved JPQL enhancements, and extensions including 'TREAT...AS' and 'FUNC'. 
- Fetch, Load, Copy & Merge of partial entities using 'AttributeGroup' 
- extensions to 'eclipselink-orm.xml' 
- Dynamic Persistence: JPA without requiring Java classes. 
- New Platforms: SAPNetWeaver Server Platform and Symfoware Database Platform 
...and more... 

Some of the MOXy features included in this release are 
- JAXB 2.2.0 
- JAXB without annotations 
- 'Dynamic Persistence': XML Binding without Java classes. 
...and more... 

Some of the SDO features included in this release are 
- Support for EclipseLink SDO usage with 'WebSphere' and 'JBoss' 
... and more... 

Some of the DBWS features included in this release are 
- Support DBWSBuilder-generated JAX-WS Provider on JRockit 
- Support for Eclipse WTP Dynamic Web Project structure 
2.1.0 also includes bug fixes that focus on performance, scalability, and stability. 
For a full list of features, and download instructions please see <> .
Thank you to everyone for their help with this release.
Doug Clarke and Peter Krogh

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