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[eclipselink-dev] minutes: committer meeing meetings

== Release Planning ==
* 1.1.4: Not yet scheduled - Planned final patch for 1.1.x stream
** wait for community to request.
* 2.0.1: Released Feb 17th
* 2.0.2: Proposed date: April 21st
* [ 2.1] [[Helios]]
* Galileo SR2 - February 26th/2010
** RC1+0 Jan 18/10: EclipseLink 1.1.3 (latest Milestone or Release)
*** 1.1.3 has been put into SR2

== QA  ==

Feb 12 - 18, 2010:

* Last week
** Monitor and triaged nightly tests:
*** 1.1.4 - good
*** 2.0.1 (RC1) - WAS Oracle custom features tests failed - fixed; SQL Server 2008 nightly hanged - dev in progress (manual run passed) 
*** 1.2.0 - good
*** trunk - DBWS examples on WLS didn't run properly - investigating
** EL 2.0.1 testing - 100%
** WDF - add tests to nightly runs - completed - passing
** Pessimistic Locking Extended Scope - test implementation - complete, patch sent for review
** MOXY - worked with dev on JAXB testing - fix existing failures 
** Investigated JPA TCK, DBWS test failures
** Misc test infra fixes/enhancements
* This week
** Review high priority work for 2.1, infrastructure work
** Test infra - switch between datasource types, weaving types, EM (app managed, container managed) --> need to backport to 2.0.x stream.
** Fix Bugs
* Backlog

== Build ==
* Milestone Releases
** 2.0.1 RC1
* Test component build cleanup (Holding)
** Restructure to allow testing to *not* rebuild product jars (293032)
*** Will use "static targets" as discussed in meeting last week (297217).
*** Tests will not compile when run target called. 
**** merged partial work to update standards. 
**** migration work for test projects, currently priority 2 
** Need shippable testing artifacts (R2).
* Helios build integration (293034)
** Need to do p2 consolidation work to manage multiple versions in a single update location.
*** investigation composite repositories
*** currently determining if existing ant tasks designed for use within Eclipse can be utilized externally. 
* jpa.test10 Suite - Holding
** Explore possibility of using eclipselink.jpa.test from 1.1.3 as a way to certify javax.persistence 1.0 backward compatability in EclipseLink 2.0.x
*** All tests now compiling with trunk, 83% success rate on Test run.
*** Awaiting review by Tom or Peter of test results (still).
** Need "project name" assuming this gets running 100% 

== Docs ==
doc process for 2.1.  <> 

== JPA  ==
2.0.2 bug fixes.
* Advanced JPA config
** Fetch groups complete
** Additional Join investigation is next
* Advanced JPA Querying
** wiki started with prioritized feature list (
** Prototype of FUNCTION support in JPQL.
*** available on bug:
* OSGi
** Investigation starting this week.
* WDF testing
** Tests run nightly

== DBWS  ==
[ DBWS Development]

* MTOM attachment support complete
* No remaining bugs open against 2.0.2

* Scoping out potential EclipseLink 2.1 feature work
** Support for advanced PL/SQL datatypes (records, collections, mixture of the two) as arguments to Stored Functions
** Improved Sparse Merge support (an 'Update' operation currently requires the instance to be fully specified in the SOAP message)
* DBWS (JAX-WS) support on multiple platforms (JBoss, WAS)

== SDO / MOXy  ==
* Representation of JAXB Annotations and enhanced MOXy metadata in externalized 'eclipselink-oxm.xml' metadata format [ Design]
* MOXY Dynamic Persistence [ Design]
* JAXB2.2 Compliance
** JAXB2.2 CQs approved (API, RI, XJC).  
*** Blaise has been nominated as an Orbit committer, in readiness for contributing the JAXB2.2 binaries.
** Also need to submit JAXB2.1.12 jars to Orbit (CQs previously approved for Helios)
* Continued improvements to MOXY marshalling/unmarshalling performance

== EclipseLink Incubator  ==

* [[EclipseLink/Development/Incubator/Extensions]]
** FetchPlan incubator active
*** Doug requesting help.
** Please provide feedback on [[EclipseLink/Development/Incubator/Extensions/DatabasePlatformPromotion | Proposal for lowering barrier of entry for new database platforms]]

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