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  • Re: [] [technology-pmc] MPC requesting a Photon simrel respin, (continued)
  • Re: [] [cross-project-issues-dev] MPC not opening with space in install path - requesting respin, Ed Merks
  • [] What are the new simrel URLs for the post-Photon trains?, Nick Boldt
  • [] Regrets for Next Meeting, Daniel Megert
  • [] Fwd: [cross-project-issues-dev] disable push to master for simrel, Frederic Gurr
  • [] ACTION REQUIRED: Request to respin EPP for JavaEE and CDT package fixes, Nick Boldt
  • [] Call in few minutes, Mélanie Bats
  • [] Photon M7 not ready, Mikaël Barbero
  • [] New and Noteworthy for Photon, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Photon status update, Mikaël Barbero
  • [] SimRel 2018-09 & 2018-12 schedules, Mélanie Bats
  • [] Simultaneous Release Naming, Gunnar Wagenknecht
  • [] Next Planning Council call : May 2, Mélanie Bats

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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