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Re: [] Exception Process for Stardust in Kepler SR1



From:        <Marc.Gille@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        <>
Cc:        Herbert.Neureiter@xxxxxxxxxxx, Simone.Seurer@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date:        28.08.2013 12:30
Subject:        [] Exception Process for Stardust in        Kepler SR1
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(Note, that the delivery of this mail got delayed significantly as I had difficulties to join this mailing list. Denis kindly assisted with these. However, we are now really under pressure to get a decision and hope for your support.)
we need to file for an exception process regarding Stardust in Kepler SR1:
The Stardust version we intend to release with Kepler SR1 will be a feature release. For a feature release we were supposed to release and have a review 1 month in advance before SR1 RC1. Otherwise an exception process has to be initiated ( – whioch we are following now.
I have sent this to  SOA PMC beginning of last week and got three +1 out of four (active) members so far, the last vote possibly pending because of vacation.
I hope you can vote/decide in parallel.
Justification for the exception is:
·         Most of the added functionality was already in the Stardust 1.0 code base we released with Kepler (e.g. the BPMN2 metamodel support). It was just not exposed as APIs or in the UI.
·         Other functionality (e.g. the Apache Camel integration) was part of the original SunGard codebase, but was not checked in because of pending CQs for required third-party libraries.
·         No other Eclipse project and especially no functionality in other projects releasing with SR1 will be affected.
·         The community and other projects will benefit from the enhancements (e.g. Mangrove and BPMN2 Editor from the BPMN2 enhancements or the proposed Winery project ( from general enhancements in the Browser Modeler).
We would be aiming at the following schedule:
·         RC1 + 3 (21.08.) Contribute all new features
·         RC2 + 3 (04.09.) Contribute some cleanup work in portal area + late fixes
We are confident after communication with Eclipse Legal that all of our pending CQs for third party libraries will be resolved by then. Status is (might be outdated because I drew it prior to my vacation)

awaiting_triage P3 new sharon.... NEW jython Version: 2.7beta1 *Subset*
awaiting_triage P3 awai sharon.... NEW DataTables - Extras Version: 1.9.4
awaiting_triage P3 awai sharon.... NEW Datatables Version: 1.9.4
new P3 awai emo-ip-... NEW Spring Framework Web MVC Version: 3.2.4.RELEASE
new P3 awai emo-ip-... NEW camel-script Version: 2.9.2

(Jython we will be temporarily removed on our end, hence is not critical)
Kindly provide your +1 for this.
Dr. Marc Gille * Senior Vice President, Product Management, Infinity * Global Business Services and Technology * SunGard * 340 Madison Ave, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10173 * Phone +1 646 445 1294 * Mobile +1 347 414 4529 * marc.gille@xxxxxxxxxxx * * Twitter @marcgille

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