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Re: [] Helios inclusion exception request for Marketplace Client


Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by:

03/16/2010 02:32 PM

Please respond to
""        <>

"" <>
Technology PMC <technology-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>, mpc-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
[] Helios inclusion exception request        for Marketplace Client

Greetings Planning Council.

I make this request on behalf of the Marketplace Client, and the
Technology PMC.

The new Eclipse Marketplace Client (MPC) project would like to join the
Helios release train and is requesting an exception from the Planning
Council.  MPC provides direct access from an Eclipse installation to the
Eclipse-based solutions listed on Eclipse Marketplace.   You can think
of it as an App Store like client for the Eclipse community  (but
without the purchase ability).   We believe this will have a significant
impact on promoting the Eclipse ecosystem.

The code has been under development for the last 2 months, is now
feature complete and is now available in the git repository.   Our plan
is to include it in the Java IDE and RPC packages for M6.

While this project has gotten off to a late start, it has progressed
quickly (established project plan [1], website [2], build, etc.). The
project is on track to keep up with the remaining deadlines, maintenance
releases, etc. Marketplace Client is a "leaf" component, only going into
a few EPP packages, so is low risk.



Wayne Beaton, The Eclipse Foundation

I'm going to EclipseCon!
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