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[] -> Eclipse XXXX Project ?

Hi all,
along the way of how to properly put "end-user" and "extender" into our
features (discussion after the last phone call), I came across another
thing that needs to be addressed:
According to the recent changes of the Devlopment Process, it seems
like we should change the "providerName" field of all our plugins and
features from "" into "Eclipse XXXX Project" -- see section
"IP issues" on
I did try this earlier, putting "Eclipse DSDP Project" into our plugins,
but noticed that this led to a weird experience in the about dialog:
we got our own icon there, where we had just been "sharing" the
Eclipse icon before.
I'm wondering what this group thinks about the issue? Should we
start changing the providerName right away or better wait?

Martin Oberhuber
Wind River Systems, Inc.
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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