Eclipse Projects Update, April 1/2013
The Eclipse Foundation <>
04/01/2013 12:08 AM

Sorry for the late notice on this one, I got caught up in the fun and excitement of EclipseCon.

We have two reviews ending on April 3/2013.

First is the release review for the Reviews for Eclipse (R4E) project's 0.13 release [1].

Second up, is an interesting new project called "Eclipse Bundle Recipes" (EBR) [2].  The EBR project provides template files for creating bundles for open source JARs. Scoping the project to templates rather than the resulting bundles facilitates bundle creation for a wide variety of open source projects, not just those with licenses acceptable to the Eclipse Foundation. Only templates whose creation and use do not violate the license of the original Jar will be permitted.

I had great hopes that the EBR project might provide a piece of the solution for a change in how Orbit works. Orbit--as you probably already know--was granted an exception when we migrated from CVS to Git. That exception has so far been open ended, and we unfortunately do no yet have anything that resembles a plan for migration. I had hoped that a Maven-based solution driven by EBR scripts might provide a solution. I'm not so sure that we need it any more.

While many projects have claimed success with Git, a great many projects and developers continue to struggle with its adoption. In the fall of 2012, several projects chose to terminate rather than migrate their CVS repositories to Git. We have infrequent reports of commits being erased and general confusion regarding the workflow. While EGit does a good job of smoothing out the rough corners, it's still the case that just writing code to a Git repository takes too many steps. I hear many complaints about committers forgetting to push their commits or having them lost in non-fast-forward merges.

This undercurrent of dissatisfaction came to a head last week at EclipseCon. I was cornered by several committers who were quite angry at having been forced to adopt Git and demanded that I allow them to roll back to CVS. The general consensus was that while at face value, Git appears to be better suited for encouraging contribution, the confusing nature of its workflow was actually having an opposite effect.

Data collected by Dash confirms it: many projects are actually losing committers and contributors because of Git. Non-committer contributions to projects has steadily dropped over the last twelve months. Projects that switched to Git early in the migration process did on average experience a short spike in contributions in the last few months of 2011, but in the general case, the contribution curve drops almost linearly from that period.

Faced with the backlash and drop in contribution, we have no choice. After careful consideration, and extensive discussions with the Eclipse Webmaster, we have decided that we have no choice but to migrate back to CVS. Given resource constraints--the webmaster team cannot support three version control systems--support for Git has been deprecated effective today, April 1/2013. The Git server will be shutdown on December 21/2013.

All Eclipse projects must include migration to either CVS or SVN to their project plans, and include discussion of their migration plan in all review documentation between now and the cut-off date. As you migrate, please update your project metadata; I have updated the "SCM Migration" page [4] to track the migration progress.

Thanks for your attention in this matter,


Wayne Beaton on behalf of the Eclipse Foundation