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Re: [] last night telco and some issues....

+1 for this selection of topics
+1 for the lightning talk session

I think all of those sessions are going to be really good and they well justify to get an extended slot. However, thinking about it, I just feel it's a pity that all of those cool sessions will run in parallel. At least modeling symposium and mbeddr will have some natural audience overlap. And the lightning talks will surely suffer from the tough competition. I don't have a good suggestion though - dropping good sessions in favor of boring ones is not an option ;-)


2013/9/2 Campo, Christian <Christian.Campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

So there seems to be number of people who like to give extended slots to
  • Modeling Symposium
  • Migration to e4 (Joint session of at least 2 speakers)
  • Eclipse as an IDE  (martin / Michael maybe others)
  • mbedrr
I just briefly talked to Ralph about adding a Lightning Talk Session as fifth extended time slot. A moderate 60 minutes, where each speakers gets 10 minutes (or so) to talk about their topic. We could pick any of the rejected talks and ask the speaker if they like to condense their topic to 10 minutes and use this chance. (no speaker passes for this)

How is that for an idea ?


Von: "cedric.brun@xxxxxxx" <cedric.brun@xxxxxxx>Datum: Montag, 2. September 2013 14:33

An: Eclipsecon list <>
Betreff: Re: [] last night telco and some issues....

My take on the extended slots proposition.

Modeling Symposium
Eclipse as an IDE - panel/bof

Joint session about migration to e4
+1 Makes sense to me if the speakers are ok.

Java8 in Eclipse
Sounds a bit risky if we're not sure the speakers are good and if - as Sebastian said - they only show compiler level stuff.

Le 02/09/2013 12:07, Sebastian Zarnekow a écrit :

On 02.09.2013, at 11:20, Martin Lippert wrote:


I also like the idea of the extended (60min) slots at the end of Tuesday.

- Modeling symposium

- e4 Symposium
Is this the same as a joint "How to migrate to e4 + experiences"?
I would vote for a joint session about e4 migration and I would put all three together into this slot. This would automatically reduce overlap between the sessions.
I tried to elaborate on that in the remainder of the mail. My idea was more a Q&A rather than a joined experience report about the migration process.

- mbeddr

- Java8 in Eclipse / A Panel 'Eclipse as an IDE' (Martin, Michael
Scharf, Doug Schaefer, a JDT guy if available ...)
+1 in general
I should have used a more consistent notation. It should have read "Java8 in Eclipse" or a panel "Eclipse as an IDE".

This would mean to join my and Michaels talk and invite some others to this. Max Rydahl Andersen and Gunnar Wagenknecht have already shown interest, some guys from Platform and JDT would be fantastic. I would volunteer in organizing this panel. But I would not add the Java8 topic to this. This topic should get its own regular standard slot. It is a lot different from the general discussion about how to make the IDE fun again and deserves a separate slot to also show a lot of demos, etc. Cheers, -Martin _______________________________________________ mailing list

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