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[] Java 7 Summit


I wanted to give everyone on the ECE program committee advanced noticed about an announcement we are doing tomorrow regarding EclipseCon Europe.   In collaboration with Oracle, we will be announcing a Java 7 Summit, to be co-located at EclipseCon Europe. 

As you may know, Oracle is just releasing Java 7, so it is of special interest in the Java developer community.  The Java 7 Summit will be 1 track during ECE that focuses on the new features of Java 7.    The ECE call for papers will be extended to include Java 7 talks.  A sub-program committee consisting of Oracle and SAP employees will select the Java 7 talks.  The ECE will continue to be the regular 5 tracks.

Oracle will also be helping to promote the Java 7 Summit to the wider Java developer community in Europe.  We expect this will help bring new attendees to ECE.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  The announcement will go out tomorrow around 9amET so I would ask that you please keep this private until you see the announcement on


Ian Skerrett
Director of Marketing
Eclipse Foundation
Tel: 613-224-9461 ext 227
Twitter: IanSkerrett

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