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[] FYI: A Revised Development Process

Fellow Committers,
Recently the Board finally approved the 2008 revision to the Eclipse Development Process. You can find the process in it's usual place: You can read about the changes in the series of blog posts I wrote back in March: *

None of the changes are of the "you must understand it now" variety: most are related to the various Reviews. When the time comes for your project's next Review, the talented Anne will step you through the process and it will all seem rational and natural and you'll wonder why we didn't do it this way before. Other of the changes are related to project structure; for those, when the talented Karl approaches you about refactoring your project, he will explain what needs to be done. In either case, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Note that we are also working on improving the related process documentation and moving it to the wiki. Please feel free to help (and thanks already to Martin and Dave for their early contributions):

- Bjorn

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