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Re: [] SD Times Eclipse Survey

Hi Ian,

I'm more than a little confused about questions 19a, 19b, and 19c (I assume that "13c" is a typo, since there's already a separate question 13).

QUESTION 19a: Which Eclipse "bits" are currently used by your organization and which do you expect will be used within the next year?
QUESTION 19b: Which Eclipse "bits" do you expect to use by your organization and which do you expect will be used within the next 12 months?
QUESTION 13c: Which Eclipse "bits" are currently used OR do you expect will be used by your organization within the next year?

I kind of expected to see separate results for each part of each of these questions.  For example, in a, "which bits are currentl used by your organization" and "which bits do you expect will be used within the next year", but that's not the case.  

As far as I can see, a and c differ only in the conjunction used to join the two parts ("and" in a vs. "OR" in c).  
given that separate results aren't given for the two parts of each question in a,
at suggests that it should be read as "which bits are currently in use and will still be in use

Dave Steinberg
Rational Software - IBM Toronto Lab
905-413-3705 (t/l 969)

"Ian Skerrett" <ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by:

01/03/2007 03:59 PM

<>, <>, <>
"'Alan Zeichick'" <alan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[] SD Times Eclipse Survey

Dear Eclipse Member Companies
BZ Media has recently completed their annual Eclipse survey of the SD Times readership.   The Eclipse Foundation has purchased the distribution rights to this survey and is making it available to all member companies and committers.   Attached is pdf copy of the survey results.  We hope you will find this a useful resource for your Eclipse product and project planning.  It is requested that you restrict the distribution of this survey to within your organization.
We have also arranged to have Alan Zeichick from BZ Media to present the results of the survey on January 17th at 9:30amPT/12:30pmET/6:30pmCET.   The presentation will be held via a conference call.   Call-in details and the presentation slides will be sent out before January 17th.
In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Happy New Year.
Ian Skerrett
Director of Marketing
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Tel: 613-224-9461  ext. 227
Fax: 613-224-5172
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