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  • Re: [] Next Call - May 10 or 17?, (continued)
  • [] Revising EDP to be uptodate with the *actual* allowed process rather than the original one, Max Rydahl Andersen
  • [] Nominate Gorkem Ercan to the Architecture Council, Mickael Istria
  • [] Regrets for April 12th meeting, Mickael Istria
  • [] Today's meeting minutes, Denis Roy
  • [] Your comments requested on these upcoming JSR votes, Wayne Beaton
  • [] AC Chair -- and today's minutes, Denis Roy
  • [] JSR up for voting..., Wayne Beaton
  • [] 32-bits for Desktop/RCP applications?, Mickael Istria
  • [] CBI aggregator needs attention, Stephan Herrmann
  • [] AC 14-Dec Meeting Notes, Martin Oberhuber
  • [] These new Eclipse projects need mentors, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Security flaw in ADT is somehow presented as a flaw in Eclipse IDE, Mickael Istria
  • [] Nominating Jens Reimann, Benjamin Cabé
  • [] Apologies, and resignation, Martin Oberhuber
  • [] Why Nexus Pro then? (was Maven Central (was Re: Nov 9 Minutes)), Mickael Istria

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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