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Re: [] Vote on Wayne Beaton for Architecture Council chairperson


On Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 8:18 PM Wayne Beaton via <> wrote:
Greetings Architecture Council.

As mentioned in the minutes from our last call, we need to identify a new Architecture Council chairperson. 

According to the bylaws, the chair is appointed by the Eclipse Foundation's Executive Director (EMO/ED). The EMO/ED highly regards the opinion of the Architecture Council, and so our practice is to vote on such matters and use the vote to make a recommendation to the EMO/ED.

Since nobody else has expressed interest in the role, I hereby ask you to express your approval by responding to this note with a +1 to present myself to the EMO/ED for the role. We'll use the standard rules for the vote: we need three +1s and no -1s to carry to day.



Wayne Beaton (he/him)

Director, Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation

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