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Re: [] January 9 2025 meeting minutes


Thanks for sending this! Great summary and good action items. 

I want to jump over everything at the beginning of your email - which seems to be in good working order and the hands of the right people! 😉 - and pick up on the communication bit.

Last year we had the same discussion about communication and I posted some queries about using Matrix or other communication channels. I think the resolution was for this group that we preferred the mailing list. Beyond our group, I think most developers have switched to using services like Slack, Matrix, Jitsi, and even Discord instead of email. 

As a side note, I think Michael made an excellent point on the call yesterday that so much communication is done by text messaging now. I'm not advocating that for Eclipse, but in the PTO at my kid's school we see that engagement is about 4x higher when we use text messaging versus email and social networking.

jm2c & good morning!


Jay Jay Billings, PhD
Principal Applied Scientist
Amazon Transportation Services

From: <> on behalf of Wayne Beaton via <>
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2025 11:43:33 PM
Cc: Wayne Beaton
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [] January 9 2025 meeting minutes

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.

Greetings Architecture Council.

We had a 30 minute call today. Here are some of the highlights.

Gunnar announced his intention to retire as the Architecture Council Chair. We will need to fill this vacancy. Unless somebody else steps up, I will assume the role (subject to your approval by vote and the approval of the executive director; I'll initiate a vote in a separate thread in a week or so to give others a chance to step up).

We decided that we would retain the monthly cadence for our call. We will restore our practice of updating the AC on the activities of the EMO during these calls.

We discussed changing the name of the Architecture Council. It's a good time to consider this. I'll start a separate thread to gather your suggestions for a new name.

The Architecture Council Wiki was moved to GitLab (thanks Mikael!). You can find it here. We'll resume our practice of putting our agenda and minutes in the wiki.

Following the call, I did a little housekeeping and deactivated all mentor relationships. As you may recall, we removed the mentor requirement from the EDP, so all of these relationships are no longer relevant. Thank you to all of you who did engage in mentoring.

On the topic of housekeeping, we are way overdue to clean up our ranks and retire inactive members. My thinking is that all appointed members who are active should retain their status. I'll define active as those members who have interacted in their role as a member of the Architecture Council in the last year (that is, everybody who has attended at least one of the monthly meetings, or has sent a message to this mailing list in the last year). Please feel free to argue with me regarding this criteria. Bear in mind that the threads that I'm going to initiate should provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate that you're active. 

There'll be plenty of notice before we retire anybody.

The Bylaws describe the role of the Architecture Council as:

The Architecture Council shall be responsible for monitoring, guiding, and influencing the software conventions, standards and architectures used by Projects; It shall further advise the Executive Director in matters of importance to Developers, including any proposed changes to the Eclipse Foundation Development Process.

I personally find a great deal of value in the last part and lean heavily on the Architecture Council for advice on matters of importance. In this regard, having good representation from the community that we serve is important and we should always be on the lookout for potential new members. Our usual practice is to discuss potential nominees informally on our calls and then vote formally on the mailing list. If you are aware of individuals who are well-versed in our practices who you believe should be invited to join the Architecture Council, please keep bring them to the group's attention in this manner.

Seeded discussion point for next call: Mailing lists (and email in general) no longer provide a consistently reliable means of connecting with our committers. Too often, our messages are either spam filtered or ignored. How do we stay in contact with our committers? What are the cool kids doing these days?



Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation

My working day may not be your working day! Please don’t feel obliged to read or reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.

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