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[] Maven Central (was Re: Nov 9 Minutes)

Hi all,

A (late) reaction to the discussion about Maven Central:
AFAIK, there is no requirement for projects to use's Nexus, is there?
If not, then a viable and good alternative is to use Sonatype OSSRH instance: . It does mirror to Central, is free for OSS projects, and happens to work everytime I tried it.

Unless someones happen to know something bad about OSSRH, I would sincerely recommend any project which have high interest in mirroring to Central to consider using this OSSRH, instead of waiting for Board to take a decision and then infra team to work on it. Even if everything goes as fast as it can be, we're talking about months here when OSSRH is ready to be used right now.
If some project at starts using it, it would be nice that they share their feedback to the Architecture Council, so we could maybe even reconsider whether the Community actually needs something else than OSSRH.
One important thing if we want to follow that direction would be to have Eclipse EMO Infra and Legal team just reviewing the term of services of OSSRH and sharing whether they are acceptable for projects, and maybe even recommending it over Nexus.


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