On 3/17/2016 3:25 AM, Mickael Istria
On 03/15/2016 05:54 PM, Mickael
Istria wrote:
On 03/15/2016 05:35 PM, Wayne
Beaton wrote:
Again, we have an opportunity with the press attention on Che
to steal some of that attention for the desktop IDE. What are
we going to do about it?
Maybe we could think of an Eclipse Che vs Eclipse IDE FAQ with
several questions:
I didn't see any answer on this topic.
@Wayne: is this something the Foundation could consider as an
announcement/advertised article?
My suggestion would be to have a full Eclipse newsletter dedicated
to the great things happening in the desktop IDE, perhaps including
a discussion of how the Eclipse Foundation is committing resources
to help enhance the platform via FEEP. Maybe it's just me, but I
don't see how a Coke versus Pepsi FAQ is all that helpful. I would
be concerned that it would come across as defensive. A strong,
consistent, and positive message is the best way to remind everyone
about the continued health of the desktop IDE.