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Re: [] Encourage projects touseJDTnull analysis & null annotations for Neon

Sounds like we got stuck with that proposal.

Lars/Platform-UI will consider it for some APIs.
Konstantin/Sapphire tried it but won’t apply it in the large yet.
Dani/JDT doesn't have the resources to convert existing (JDT) APIs or generally start using annotations in their own code base.
Marcel/Recommenders and AERI uses Optional in the APIs. We had trouble applying it to internal APIs because adding and maintaining external null annotations for APIs we use wasn’t easily shareable among developers.

Given that, I withdraw the proposal to ask projects to use null annotations and static null analysis for now.

Thanks for the discussion,

Am 30.09.2015 um 10:02 schrieb Daniel Megert <daniel_megert@xxxxxxxxxx>:

The reason for suggesting to raise the severity is the assumption that someone who wants to invest time (by annotating the code) to get rid of most of the null pointer issues also should get rid of the potential problems since those can create holes in the story.

You can either lower the severity for potential problems again, suppress the null warnings on methods with false positives, or adjust the code. If you look at your code example and assume that the declaration for 'count' is outside the visible area then you can't immediately know whether an NPE might occur or not. Hence, using an explicit null check would also increase the code readability.


From:        Konstantin Komissarchik <konstantin.komissarchik@xxxxxxxxxx>
To:        Daniel Megert/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH, "" <>
Date:        29.09.2015 16:41
Subject:        RE: [] Encourage projects touseJDTnull analysis & null annotations for Neon

When I turn on null annotations analysis, I see this dialog and the potential null pointer access option is set to an error afterwards, so I didn’t even get as far as trying out the annotations. Is there a combination of settings that would allow me to get some benefit from annotation analysis without turning on potential null pointer access problems?

- Konstantin

Daniel Megert
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 1:35 AM
Re: [] Encourage projects touseJDTnull analysis & null annotations for Neon


we know that there are cases where our analysis could do more (e.g. handling correlations between variables). That's why we currently have two options, one mentioning "potential" and being off by default. Having said that, Marcel is talking about a different feature where the code gets annotated with annotations (annotation-based null analysis).


Konstantin Komissarchik <konstantin.komissarchik@xxxxxxxxxx>
Marcel Bruch <marcel.bruch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "" <>
28.09.2015 20:16
Re: [] Encourage projects to useJDTnull analysis & null annotations for Neon
Sent by:

I expected to get further, but I am already giving up on this experiment. I enabled null analysis in one Sapphire bundle and the project became peppered with errors. I reviewed most of them and in all reviewed cases, what was deemed a potential null pointer access was actually incomplete static analysis.

Here is an example:

final List<String> extensions = this.fileExtensionsService.extensions();

final int count = ( extensions == null ? 0 : extensions.size() );

if( count > 0 )


    extensions.something();   // potential null pointer access error here


I could downgrade potential null pointer access to a warning, but I don’t want my project peppered with warnings that I have no intention of fixing. I am against changing valid code just to make static analysis happy.


- Konstantin


Konstantin Komissarchik
Monday, September 28, 2015 9:56 AM
Marcel Bruch;
Re: [] Encourage projects to useJDTnull analysis & null annotations for Neon

I am not in favor of requiring projects to use any one particular code quality technique, there are so many, with different pluses and minuses.
Regarding the null analysis, what we don't have is hard data showing hours expended adding annotations against pre-existing bugs detected/fixed through this effort. I will volunteer to do this for Sapphire, track time/effect and then blog about it. If a few other projects do this and the data shows that the time expenditure was worthwhile, we will be able to encourage other projects to invest in this.

- Konstantin


Marcel Bruch
Monday, September 28, 2015 9:39 AM
Re: [] Encourage projects to use JDTnull analysis & null annotations for Neon

> Am 28.09.2015 um 18:15 schrieb Daniel Megert <daniel_megert@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> > I had feared that :-) How about simply running JDT null analysis on every source method and let the compiler infer the possible values for parameters and method return values?
> In our Eclipse world the API i.e. Javadoc defines the contract, hence inferring it from the source code would be wrong.
If this is done consistently and completely, one could infer that from Javadoc comments as well.

> > So, how could we start? Is Platform (or parts of it like JFace Databinding) leading the way, blogging about it and encouraging people?
> I don't see why it has to be Platform to blog about this or lead the way. Other projects are welcome to do that work ;-)
It’s a difference whether a tiny leaf project is doing so or „the platform“ ;-)

> > Do we have or get resources to run the JDT null analysis on source code and see how far we get with this?
> Sorry, I don't fully understand that question or at least its scope.
Reformulating: Since the JDT committers know their tools much better than anyone else on the planet: how much effort would it be to provide a basic tool that runs the null simulation / analysis on an Eclipse workspace and outputs a text file with its findings?
And: Can an JDT committer provide that code skeleton?

From there, others (like me) can take over and build the necessary tooling around this.


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