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[] RE: [] Summary of Feb 23rd conference call with Councils re: Roadmap v1.0

Title: Bjorn Freeman
I have spoken to Rich and Todd and have revised the roadmap slightly. Please see
We are now done!
Thanks all for your hard work.
Mike Milinkovich
Executive Director,
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Office: 613-224-9461 x228
Cell: 613-220-3223

From: [] On Behalf Of Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Sent: February 24, 2005 5:53 PM
Subject: [] Summary of Feb 23rd conference call with Councils re: Roadmap v1.0

Council members,
Yesterday, Feb 23rd, we had a conference call at 9am PST, noon EST, 6pm CET to discuss the draft of the version 1.0 of the Roadmap document. It was a very useful and effective call - thanks to all who contributed.

The only section of the Roadmap that generated discussion was the "Eclipse Future Directions" section of the roadmap.html page. There were two concerns:
  1. This section was generated by Mike without input from the Architecture or Requirements Councils and that, in the future, those councils need to be involved in creating this section of the Roadmap.
  2. The wording is such that readers might take this as "the truth" rather than as speculation. We need more wording to show that intent of the document is to start a dialog with the membership about the direction of Eclipse rather than making an apriori definitive statement.
  • Mike will touch base with Plug-in Provider represenatives Rich and Todd to make sure they understand the implications of the "Eclipse Future Directions" section of roadmap.html.
  • [Completed] Bjorn will update the "Eclipse Future Directions" section with respect to item (2) above, and send around this email notifying everyone that it has been done.
  • [Completed] The Council representatives agreed that the Roadmap is ready to be presented to the Board at the Monday, Feb 28th meeting.
Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Technical Director, Open Source Process and Infrastructure
Eclipse Foundation
voice:  971-327-7323
fax:  971-327-7320
email:  bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx

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