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[eclipse-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for Tobias Melcher on Eclipse Platform

Voting will close on 2024-08-26 for the Committer election of Tobias Melcher
on project Eclipse Platform (eclipse.platform).


I would like to nominate Tobias as platform committer. Tobias  started
Eclipse Development 2002 at SAP and worked on multiple Java based tools at
SAP. Since 2009 he worked as part of the ABAP Development Tools (based on
Eclipse) and enhances the source code editing. The last years he also worked
with the ABAP Core Data Services Tools Teams.

Currently we see commits from Tobias enhancing the code mining support in
Eclipse. Tobias is very reactive to feedback and show a very humble and kind
behavior which is also good for the project IMHO.

~/git/eclipse.platform.ui$ git shortlog --author="Tobias Melcher"
Tobias Melcher (6):
        Bug 336079 - "Show Line Numbers" menu in compare editor should be
checked initially
        Bug 485069 - add WhitespaceCharacterPainter to DefaultDetailPane
        Bug 485070 - improve handling of long strings in debug details pane
        Bug 567816: Changing font size in variables view
        Add Extension Mechanism For Ignore Whitespace Action of The Compare
View (#429)
        keep significant white spaces in multiline string literals (#1068)

~/git/eclipse.platform.ui$ git shortlog --author="Tobias Melcher"
Tobias Melcher (14):
        Bug 470720 - SWT handle leak in DndManager
        Bug 531856 - close ex DialogTray after pressing question mark button
        Bug 538876: catch exceptions thrown in AsyncCompletionProposalPopup
        Bug 539317: catch exception thrown by codeMiningProvider
        Bug 536308: update AbstractContributionItem with delay
        Bug 567813: execute save action
        Bug 567813 - stylesheets for given theme id are used independently 
theme os_version
        Bug 567813 - remove os_version from e4_default windows theme
        draw code minings at end of line before eol character if possible
        LineHeaderCodeMining supports multi line label
        ensure code minings are still drawn when one provider returns null
        multi line header minings not drawn properly
        fix code mining redraw logic
        WhitespaceCharaterPainter takes code minings at whitespaces into

Please join me in welcoming Tobias as new committer.

Eclipse Platform project committers can click the election link below to



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