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[eclipse-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for Christopher Hermann on Eclipse Platform

Voting will close on 2024-08-20 for the Committer election of Christopher
Hermann on project Eclipse Platform (eclipse.platform).


Christopher provides high quality patches and has gained a good understanding
of the platform code. He has been an active contributor to Eclipse Platform
since 2023.
He provided contributions in various areas especially in the UI layer. He
fixed several colouring issues. Currently he works on providing a “sticky
scrolling” feature (See

Here is the complete list of his contributions:
eclipse.platform.ui %git shortlog --author="Christopher Hermann"
Christopher Hermann (21):
        Use a custom ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory in
AsyncCompletionProposalPopup (#185)
        Revert "Use a custom ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory in
AsyncCompletionProposalPopup (#185)"
        Add color setting for form header messages
        Keep theme coloring of cells in FocusCellOwnerDrawHighlighter
        Only apply background coloring on GTK
        Remove dependency to org.eclipse.core.runtime
        Provide sticky scrolling in source editors #1719
        [Sticky Scrolling] Throttle sticky scrolling calculation
        Highlighting problem when using the dark theme on Windows
        Bundle version bumps
        [Sticky Scrolling] Dispatch scrolling to source viewer
        [Sticky Scrolling] Fix instable test
        NPE in StickyScrollControl.getStickyLineStyleRanges #1964
        Fix: Correct layout of sticky lines after breadcrumb
        Fix: Correctly align line numbers in sticky lines control
        Limit visible sticky lines to text widget height
        [Sticky Scrolling] Fix separator color on windows
        Don't scroll on caret movement to the end of editor
        Improve text for sticky scrolling options
        Fix line number layout in sticky scrolling control
        Don't scroll if caret offset is not in the text range

eclipse.platform.swt % git shortlog --author="Christopher Hermann"
Christopher Hermann (2):
        [win32] ToolBar gets resized when mixing ToolItems with text and with
icon eclipse-platform/eclipse.platform.ui#443
        Set TBSTYLE_LIST only if toolbar contains a item with icon and text

It is my pleasure to nominate Christopher Hermann as a committer on Eclipse

Eclipse Platform project committers can click the election link below to



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