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Re: [eclipse-mirrors] Size of a full Eclipse mirror?

On Sat, 2010-07-03 at 09:42 +0200, Thomas SMETS - Work wrote:
> Hello every body,
> A couple of weeks ago we hit that problem too...
> After discussing with eclipse-webmaster, it was suggest to do a clean first
> and let it run even when there are errors :
> <snip>
> # path to your RSYNC binary
> # RSYNC=/usr/bin/rsync
> # Adapted the RSYNC definition based on the advise from the administrators
> # mailing list
> # RSYNC="/usr/bin/rsync --delete-excluded --exclude=drops/I*
> --exclude=drops/N* "i
> # MODIFIED based on recommendation of eclipse server admin
> RSYNC="/usr/bin/rsync --delete-excluded --exclude=drops/N*
> --exclude=drops/I* --exclude=nightly/* --exclude=drops/\d+.\d+.\d+/N* 
> --delete  --ignore-errors "
> </snip>
> What was detected :
> _ rsync failed during clean up --> clean up was not completed successfully
> (continued to grow)
> _ Right before the latest release there were many many builds produced => a
> lot of changes on the master server generating waves of updates (making the
> process less stable).
> _ deletion & updates generated jobs that were extremely long so putting the
> "--ignore-errors" allowed to have each run to be as best as possible 
> I dunno why I put 3 points while there is in fact 2 major problems ...
> I hope this helps ...


Are you sure your "patterns" are right?
Are they expanded in a right way?
I'd recommend using --exclude-from and a file for putting patterns into.
I am using 




Gábriel Ákos

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