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Re: [eclipse-dev] JUnit bundled with Eclipse 4.6.3

On Fri, 4 Feb 2022 at 10:06, Rohit M Pujar1 <Rohit.Pujar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
While running Whitesource scanning on eclipse 4.6.3 version, encountered the vulnerability CVE-2020-15250: junit-4.12.jar (Upgrade to version junit:junit:4.13.1).
I have attempted to remove the bundled plugins *.junit.* from eclipse plugins and could successfully launch the eclipse application without any loss of functionality

JDT has some nice integrations with junit for the unit test launch features and unit test results views. You almost certainly lost this functionality when you removed the junit bundle.
but the console displays too many missing dependencies in the log file (attached RemoveJUnit_Eclipse_Console_ErrorLog.txt). 
Can anybody let me know how to remove the JUnit dependencies from the eclipse and bundle other plugins?
Thank You,
Kind Regards,
Rohit M Pujar,
IBM Software Labs, India BLR/MG2/5F-026
NOTES email : ropujar1@xxxxxxxxxx
SLACK id: rmpujar

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