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Re: [eclipse-dev] Plugin "Updates are not permitted" for regular users >> org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui

Is creating your own Oomph setup an option for you?


On 16.10.18 16:44, Lidia Popescu wrote:
Thanks a lot for your replays.

My use case is following:
We prepare a customized eclipse, it has installed some additional plugins from open source, and some of our custom plugins.
Then this installation is copied into a readonly/shared location.
Many users are using this customized eclipse. And we would like users to be able to update any plugin in case of need. E.g. to update our custom plugins from a local artifact repository, using Install New Software, when a new version of plugin is available. And, in this case users could benefit on some bug fixes before this version will be integrated into the next customized eclipse.

Also, if this is not possible, so far, we should decide what plugins will be provided by default and what users should install by themselves, which would be some extra work for all of them.

Thank you
Kind Regards

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 4:37 PM Ed Willink <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    You are presumably using a shared Eclipse because your IT department has decided that you should all use the exact configuration
    supported by the IT department and should not be allowed to change it. Therefore the Windows file system permissions should
    prevent your update. How the limitations of those permissions appear within Eclipse is something that I have no familiarity
    with; I always use 'my' Eclipse. But the bottom line is you can't do it because your It department does not want you to.

    Therefore you can ask them to install something for you, you can ask them to give you administrative privileges, or you can use
    your own private Eclipse, if that is permitted.


    Ed Willink

    On 15/10/2018 16:40, Lidia Popescu wrote:
    Hello eclipse developers, namely '*rt.equinox.p2*' developers,

    Could you please help me to understand the problem I reported some time ago? (Previous message)

    Namely, why regular users are not allowed to update plugins from a shared eclipse? I expect that plugins should be
    successfully applied and copied into user's cache.
    I tried to debug *org.eclipse.equinox.p2.** plugins, and it is clear that this feature is disabled, but why?

    I found that each installable unit gets property *org.eclipse.equinox.p2.type.lock*=*3* which means that it is *locked*.
    In debug mode I hardcoded this value to "0" and the plugin has been almost successful installed, at least successful copied in
    user's cache, visible in Installation Details Tabs (except for Plugins)
    I didn't found in the code when it is set to 3 and why.
    Please help.

    *We really would like to have it possible, maybe there is a workaround, a configuration that could enable it? *

    class: org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.addProfile()

    line: profile.setInstallableUnitProperty(iu, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    Thank you
    Kind Regards

    On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 9:50 PM Lidia Popescu <lidochca@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:lidochca@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Hello dear eclipse developers,

        Could you please provide an explanation why plugin updates are not available for regular users in a shared eclipse
        installation? or maybe there is a configuration that could make it possible?

        I have installed e.g. eclipse neon 3 on linux from admin user. My problem is that other regular users cannot update
        plugins that are already installed (though they are able to install new plugins, and they are able to update existing
        plugins from eclipse marketplace).
        So, e.g. a test user can update EGIt from Marketplace but not from Install New Software.
        *What can I do to allow individual users to update existing plugins *from Install New Software*? *

        1. When a regular user is using "*Install New Software*" command and tries to update an existing plugin, any simple plugin
        that does not have any missing dependencies, he gets the error message:
        "*Cannot complete the request. See error log for details. *
        [PLUGIN_NAME] *will be ignored because it is already installed, and updates are not permitted.*"

        2. When a regular user tries to update same plugin from Help-> *Check for updates*-> Available updates dialog, he gets the
        "*Insufficient access privileges to apply this update*"

        3. But, when a regular user tries to update existing plugin from Eclipse Marketplace, it successfully works.
        E.g. EGIT:
        Original location of eclipse is a readonly shared location and it's default paths for plugins is:

        When regular user succeeds to update e.g.EGIT with Marketplace, it is copied in user's cache:

        Why does same thing is not possible from Install New Software? I badly need this feature.
        Is there any configuration that can make it possible?

        Please help. I would be very gratefulĀ for any help.
        Thank you

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