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[eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - Jan 16, 2008

 Discussion Topics

Rel. Eng.:
- 3.3.2 endgame plan, draft is here:
- Our delivery date to Europa winter maintenance is February 18th to
  allow other teams to build with our release candidate

Platform UI:
- 3rd party contributions for M4 and M5
- Small stand alone contributions - where should they go.


JDT APT team:
- working on the "not yet implemented" methods of Java 6 annotation
  processing API
- inbox, bugzilla, newsgroups

- inbox tracking
- bug fixing
- working on "the hunk compare editor" (e.g. bugs 196228, 198844)
- working on builders framework issues

Rel. Eng.:
- implemented new help feature
- tests now running on win32.win32.x86_5.0 box for both HEAD and
  maintenance streams
- implemented swt ia64 standalone drop
- p2 features now signed
- going through release checklist for 3.3.2
- bug fixing

JDT Core:
- investigated and fixed randomly failing indexing test
- improved progress on Java Indexing system job
- improved NLS diagnosis in presence of syntax errors
- slow progress on Javadoc formatter (harder than expected)
- batch compiler cleanup around options
- progress on jar linkage in batch compiler
- bug fixing

- investigated and worked on remaining 3.3.2 candidates
- support for "Link with Editor" command in Java views
- inbox tracking
- bug fixing
- vacation

Platform Text and JDT Text:
- released sticky hovers into I20080115-0800 which allows to navigate
  into hovers. It can be enabled and configured:
  - Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors
- worked on a breadcrumb navigation bar for the Java editor:
  - first cut ready in next I-build
  - discussed with UI design team
- inbox tracking
- bug fixing

- p2 is having a meeting marathon week:
- graduation review process started for OSGi service bundles
- finalizing graduation content from equinox security incubator
- can now have a splash screen with webstart
- first cut of accounts storage work is released into the incubator:
  - framework, windows fragment, java keystore fragment
- milestone and release planning
- bug triage
- bug fixing

Platform UI:
- activity change support improvements
- pop up notification on multiple platforms
- trim maintenance
- integration with SWT drag and drop extensions
- markers support:
  - polish
  - finalization of new API
  - performance work

User Assistance:
- Infocenter can now be deployed as war file
- help can now be made part of an RCP app as a feature
- bug fixing

- enhanced debug suspend event to optionally specify stack
  frame to select (bug 215242)
- started enhancement to specify JVM debug arguments in execution
  environment description file (bug 210978)
- bug fixing

- API Tooling:
  - performance improvements to search for illegal API usage
  - specialized error messages and severities for each kind of
    binary incompatibility
  - started support to filter API errors from workspace (for
    known/approved API problems/breakage)
- working on context help editor (bug 215091)
- taking part in p2 meetings to scope/understand tooling
  requirements on PDE
- support for bundle activation policy in OSGi R4.1
- reformatting PDE UI source code for consistency
- reviewing product customization support
- patch reviewing
- bug triage/fixing

- tests results verification:
  - 3.4 (build I20080115-0800 - baseline 20080111-1500):
    - open bug
      for noticeable regression in 'Core Headless Startup' test
    - test with no reference should be removed from fingerprints
  - 3.3.2 (build M20080109-0800 - baseline 20071220-1641):
    - Windows boxes results are back to normal

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