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[eclipse-dev] import existing code from cvs

Hi! I hope this is the right list (there where alot of them to choose from :)

I've tried for some hours to import an old project into eclipse. It's an ordinary javaproject and it's on a cvs server.

I would like to be able to use WinCVS after I've checked out the project, something that seems to force me to use WinCVS from the beginning (eclipse doesn't add the right tags to the CVS-files).

So, I now have my sourecode in c:/projectname/src/...

However, I find no way of importing that structur in eclipse without atleast something ends up bad. For example if I just starts a new project in that folder all my packages ends up beings instead of

In the old version I think I could just mount a filesystem isn't that possible anymore?

Anyway, if someone understands my problem and have an solution or atleast some tips I will be gratefull.


Andreas Andersson
IT Dept.
Travelstart Nordic

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