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Re: [eclipse-dev] Deprecations in Runtime

We have compatibility loaded, therefore we don't end up with NoClassDefFoundError.  We do not plan to exploit OSGi and we are following the advice to develop the plug-in in the PDE using plugin.xml, using the 2.x development plugin development model.  Can take this approach and  avoid loading org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility?   

Scott Fairbrother
Eclipse/WebSphere Studio Jumpstart Team

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eclipse-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 04/28/2004 01:52:24 PM:

> This class is provided by the org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility plugin.
> Therefore, if you don't have compatibility loaded, this is *not*  correct because
> you'll end up with a NoClassDefFoundError at runtime.
> PaScaL

> Scott Fairbrother <scottf@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent by: eclipse-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

> 04/28/2004 01:44 PM
> Please respond to
> eclipse-dev

> To

> eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

> cc

> Subject

> Re: [eclipse-dev] Deprecations in Runtime

> So it's ok to use  org.eclipse.core.boot.IPlatformRunnable in my RCP app just as
> the IDE does?
> Thanks,
> Scott Fairbrother
> Eclipse/WebSphere Studio Jumpstart Team
> N110/501
> IBM Corp
> 4205 South Miami Blvd.
> RTP, NC 27709
> Voice : 919-254-1488
> TL : 8-444-1488
> The Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse -
> com/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,0321159640,00.html?type=PRE
> WebSphere Studio -
> Ready for WebSphere Studio partner program -
> com/websphere/ready.html
> Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:41 PM
> To: eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> cc:
> From: Jeff McAffer <Jeff_McAffer@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [eclipse-dev] Deprecations in Runtime
> I have released a set of deprecations to API in org.eclipse.core.runtime.  These
> deprecations highlight areas where function in the runtime proper in fact depends
> on the presence of the runtime compatibility layer.  This represents a major step
> for people who are trying to move onto the new API.  Previously they had to
> laboriously (and manually) scan their code for references to types and methods
> which were marked as "obsolete" using plain text in the javadoc.  Now the obsolete
> code is marked with real deprecations and developers can use the compiler warnings
> to find their references.
> ****** The deprecation of this code does NOT affect its validity or correctness for
> use in Eclipse 3.0.  ******
> You can continue to use and rely on them and their specifications have not
> otherwise changed.  Unless you have functional need to get off of the compatibility
> layer, no particular action is required.
> Note to the Eclipse teams:  We are shooting to have all of the plugins listed in as
> RCP base or optional off the compatibility layer for 3.0.  Most have declared they
> are already free of references.  As a case in point of why these deprecations are
> valuable however, about 8 of those plugins were found to still require
> compatibility when the deprecations were turned on.  I will work with those teams
> to ensure that they are in fact free of ties to the compatibility layer.
> Jeff

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