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Re: [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - Nov 19, 2003

- bug fixing
- integrated external refactoring contributions for
  Introduce Factory and Generalize Type
- continued work with JDT/Core on new AST-Rewriter API
- show hierarchy now supports toggling between sub and super
  type hierarchy

- bug fixing
- released improved Search/Replace functionality
- continued work on new search

             Mike Wilson                                                   
   >                                                    To 
             Sent by:                  eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx             
             eclipse-dev-admin                                          cc 
                                       [eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting      
             11/18/2003 09:34          Notes - Nov 19, 2003                
             Please respond to                                             

 Discussion Topics

- There doesn't seem to be much interest in sending me status messages
  any more. Is there something I can do to fix this, or should I just
  give up?


- Eclipse was invited by O'Reilly Publishing to participate in the Open
  Source Innovation Center at Comdex this week.  Response is split between
  "what is Eclipse" and "Eclipse is better than sliced bread".  Its great
  see that people are finding Eclipse useful and to let others know what
  Eclipse can do for them.

- Dorian Birsan to do Eclipse presentation for 3rd year students of McGill
  University, Montreal (Nov 20th)


Rel Eng:
- changes in Releng JUnit tests so that chkpii warnings are ignored.
  - warnings will be shown in chkpii logs
- new improved version of RelEng Plug-in now available (3.0.0)
  thanks to Team team
- test builds without org.apache.xerces plug-in.  Should be able to exclude

  this plug-in from set of 3.0 M5 plug-ins used to run PDE Build and Ant
- work on automated build infrastructure template and related doc ongoing

- tying up loose ends in preparation for making Equinox "the" runtime
  next week
- found and resolved the issue that was stopping us from running end-to-end

  scenarios in the WSAD example case.  (turned out to be a problem finding
  resources in the default or non-code bearing package)
- no new performance work as the focus has been completeness
- working with Install/Update and Help to resolve their issues

- OSGi: Fixed selfhosting with Help JSPs
- OSGi: Cannot launch embedded Help in a separate process (class path
issues -
  Help makes 'interesting' calls to runtime to be able to do it). Users
  switch to the system browser to be able to see help
- Lucene upgraded to 1.3 RC2
- Tomcat upgraded to 4.1.29
- bug fixing

- removed dependency on Xerces in today's integration build
- fixing remaining RCP aftershock issues
- dDynamic classpaths seem very stable. The only known issue that remains
  the volatile .project file (see bug #46668 for details)

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