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Re: [eclipse-dev] RE: Sending status message on the Console

If you run the plug-in using PDE (by selecting 'Run-time Workbench'
shortcuts under 'Run' or 'Debug'), the console output of the run-time
Eclipse instance (the one that is launched) can be seen in the Console view
of the LAUNCHING instance (the one used for plug-in development). Looks a
bit strange but it is easy to get used to it. In this configuration, the
entire second Eclipse instance is considered to be 'Java program under
test' and its console output is collected and displayed by the first


Dejan Glozic, Ph.D.
Application Development
IBM Canada Ltd.
Tel. 905 413-2745  T/L 969-2745
Fax. 905 413-4854

                      "Neil Guinto"                                                                                                     
                      <nguinto@mincron.c        To:       <eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                                     
                      om>                       cc:                                                                                     
                      Sent by:                  Subject:  [eclipse-dev] RE: Sending status message on the Console                       
                      08/05/2002 04:40                                                                                                  
                      Please respond to                                                                                                 

I am writing my first plugin and I want to sent a non-interactive
message to the Console View inside Eclipse.  I was told and verified it,
that all my plugin message sent to standard output will only be seen if
I ran eclipse with the "java.exe" executable.  For now my message is
non-interactive so I want to dump everything on the Console View,
appreciate any help or guidance regarding this subject.

[Neil Guinto]

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